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Yoongi POV-

I expected the shock from him. He just stood there, frozen, in front of me.

*Ahh, I really did not think this through..*


He didn't respond. He stood in front of me, stuck, with two cups in his hands.

I gave out a nervous laugh and walked towards him.

"Let me take those. God only knows you might knock me out with these.."

I took the cups from his hand and placed them on the floor, by the wall and turned to face him.

He finally seemed to be coming back to his senses but his eyes hadn't left mine.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Yoongi? Is this a joke?"

"Joke? Why would you think it's a joke?"

"Then why are you here?"

"Didn't she tell you? The woman who escorted me here? I told her.."

"Oh, she did tell me. She told me I had a meeting with an investor. Not past love."

"Ouch, past love, huh? Was I that easy to forget?"

I saw that my question caught him off guard and there was guilt written all over his face.

*Damn it, Yoongi. Stop being petty and childish..*

But I couldn't help it. The more I saw him, the more feelings came rushing back, like a soda can.

All the emotions that I had spent years to press down inside me were bubbling up and I had no control over them or myself.

"I'll take your silence as an affirmation.."

There was silence in the room for a while before Hoseok spoke up.

"Are you hungry?"


"I asked if you are hungry.."

"Um sure, I could eat...."

"Okay good, let's go then.."


"My house.."

"Your house??"

"Yeah. I can cook, if that's what you want to know.."

I chuckled at his expression.

"And we can talk. There. It's comfortable.."

His expression suddenly turned serious and he walked closer to me.

I held my breath, rooted to the place. I didn't dare move, thinking it'll go away if I make any movement.

My heart was beating faster with his every movement until he came so close that we were breathing the same air.

I felt a hand around my waist and I was pulled closer. Without any further notice, he kissed me and I was caught off guard.

His lips were the same as they were five years ago. Soft and familiar. I quickly recovered and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

It soon heated up and we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

Hoseok suddenly the broke the kiss and I whined. He chuckled at my reaction and whispered,

"Not here, we are at my work place and we don't want to get caught....Come on.."

He held me by my hand and took me all the way to his car and then his apartment.

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