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It had been a while since Yoongi left and Hoseok was bored. He had nothing to do so he decided to tour the house.

When he got out of the dining area, he looked around and realised the mansion was pretty big.

*Huh, I never realized this before..*

There were 3 floors and he decided to start with the library on the first floor.

He went in and saw that there were walls filled with books. They were all either history or art.

*I wonder who's the art lover between the two of them..*

He walked around the library and an old diary caught his attention. It was not very visible but Hoseok's eye caught it immediately and he pulled it out.

The name on it was not visible because of the old pages. He opened the diary to find that they had journal entries in them.

9th March, 1993,
Today was the most beautiful day of my life. My son was born today, in the morning! I feel so blessed..and he's beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of him........

Hoseok read further to realize that this might be Yoongi's mother's journal.

He flipped through the pages and there were various entries with different dates, jotted down.

*Does he even know this exists?? But if he did, it wouldn't be in the library. He would have kept it with him..*

Before he could leaf further, he heard someone call his name. He decided to take the journal with him and came out from behind the shelf.

It was Mark, Yoongi's guard, standing by the door. Hoseok looked at him in confusion.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. It's just you weren't picking up your phone so boss got worried and called me to check up on you."

"Ohh, sorry. I think my phone was on silent.. I am really sorry for worrying.."

"No, its okay. No big deal."

With that, he started to walk away but Hoseok called out to him. He turned around.

"Umm, by any chance, do you have a speaker or a player of some kind?"
Mark nodded.

"There might a couple of speakers in Jungkook's room. If you want, I can get them for you."

"Oh, no.. it's okay. I can find them by myself. And besides I want to see the house"

Mark nodded again and walked out of the library.

*Now to find Jungkook's room..*

Hoseok was pretty surprised by the amount of time in which he found the room, considering its was such a huge mansion.

He connected it to his phone and looked for a place for him to practice. While walking around, he came across a gym.

He checked if anyone was there and when he found no one, he went in and closed the door.

He put on his favourite song 'Filter' and danced till his legs gave out. He finally felt at peace.

After about 2 hours of practice, he took a break. He saw the journal lying beside the speaker and he picked it up.

He sat down and decided to read it whole. He started flipping through the pages and saw that the entries were consistent at first but later on they started getting short and irregular.

3rd September, 1997,
It's been 2 days since Jungkook was born and I couldn't be more happier. I love both my boys so much..
They are everything for me...

He flipped through more and came across an entry which caught his eye.

25th December, 2005,
No. No..this cannot be happening.. he's just 12..they cannot do this to him. He barely knows anything. His father cannot just marry him off to a stranger.. why won't anyone say anything?? This is not right..especially if that stranger is Katie..

*Wait what?? Marriage?? Who is Katie??*

Hoseok started panicking when he read the word marry. His felt his heart in his throat and he couldn't move.

His eyes filled with tears and couple of them fell on the journal. He flipped through the journal pages rapidly to find some evidence or anything that would tell him that whatever he read right now was false or that he imagined it.

But there was nothing. That was the last entry in the journal. Hoseok couldn't move from his place and he didn't know how long he was sitting there till he heard a knock on the door and someone entrered the gym.

He looked up with a blank expression on his face to see it was Yoongi. But all he saw was a man who lied to him.

Who tricked him. He didn't move even when Yoongi walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"Hey babe..what you doing here??"

Hoseok didn't answer. Or he couldn't answer. He wanted to say something. Anything. He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout. He wanted to curse at Yoongi was lying to him. But no words came out of his mouth.

*But is there a possibility that he couldn't even know this? But that's not possible..even if his mother told him nothing, his father would have definitely...*

Yoongi saw the stain marks on Hoseok's face and his eyes widened.

"Hoseok?? What happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?? Did anyone do anything to you?
Tell me what the fuck happened..."

The panic could be heard in his voice. He was getting restless, seeing Hoseok like this.

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi with tears in his eyes and passed him the journal. Yoongi looked down and then again up at Hoseok in confusion.

"What is this??"

"It's your mother's journal.."

Hoseok answered like a robot and got up to leave. Yoongi still wasn't understanding what was going on and he kept looking at Hoseok's back.

Before Hoseok could open the door and leave, he turned around and looked at Yoongi.

"I thought we had something..The way you took care of me, looked out for me..did everything for me and my safety..I thought that was because you felt something for me..but turns out it was just out of pity..I was the perfect charity case for you, wasn't I? Abusive father and everything??

Well thank you for your concern. I really won't forget it. I'll pay it back..I promise.."

With that, he left the gym. Yoongi looked at him with a mixture of hurt, anger and confusion.

He didn't understand anything what Hoseok just said.  He looked down at the diary that Hoseok had passed over to him.

*My mother's journal? My mother had a journal?? And where was it anyway, all this time? How do I not know about this?*

He looked down at the page that was open and read the entry on it. His eyes widedend in shock and his mouth hung open.

*What the fuck is this?? How did I not know anything about this?? And why was this hidden from me all this time??*

He then looked down again and his eyes caught the date of the entry.

*25th Dec, 2005?? Thats not possible---*

He realized that was the same day his mother had died..

I don't know🙂🙂💜

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