13 3 2

Yoongi walked out of his father's office, already calling his entire force to leave everything and focus their attention on finding Hoseok.

When he was talking on the phone, he saw Jungkook walk in through the door.

He immediately cut the ongoing call and almost ran towards him.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Jungkook was a bit surprised by his sudden appearance and he stumbled back a bit.

"Hyung, there's no time for that. We have more important things to take care of..."

"What is more important than you disappearing, not picking up your calls and returning home after hours?"

"Hoseok hyung.."

Yoongi was stunned at his words.


"Yes, Hoseok hyung has been kidnapped.."

Yoongi felt like all the air from his lungs had been sucked out and someone had punched him in his guts. The colour drained from his face and ge looked at Jungkook with his mouth hanging open.

"What did you just say??"

"Yes, he's been kidnapped....that too by Steve..
Care to explain to me what is going on, hyung?"

The ground beneath his feet felt as if it slipped away and he was falling. He couldn't move or say anything. He was just stunned in his place, not able to respond to anything.

He just kept staring at Jungkook until he came forward and shook him by his shoulders.

"Hyung!! Hyung!"

Yoongi snapped out of his daze and looked at Jungkook with tears in his eyes.

"Hoseok's been kidnapped?"

"Yes, hyung...."

Yoongi wiped his eyes and started walking towards his office. Jungkook quickly followed him.

"Hyung, what are you not telling me? What's going on? How does Steve fit into all this?"

Yoongi sighed and went and sat behind his desk. Jungkook took a seat in front of him. He waited eagerly for him to answer.

"Mom may have died trying to save me, Jungkook-ahh and Dad made a deal with the devil..."

"Huh, what? What are you talking about, hyung?"

"16 years ago, Dad made a deal with Steve that they'll marry Katie to me once she turns 30. It'll be arranged. Not for love but for business. And in return, Steve kept Dad from going bankrupt. And as for Mom, we still don't know what she did but its definite she did something she shouldn't have. When this deal was made, that was the same day Mom died. So yeah, I think its connected to me. I am sorry."

Yoongi looked up at Jungkook and expected him to get mad because after all, they lost their mother because of him and Jungkook was very young at that time.

But instead, Jungkook got up from his seat and went and hugged Yoongi, tight.

He couldn't control himself anymore. So he cried a little on Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook held him.

"It's okay, hyung. I may not understand it all but I am here."

"So, you are not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because we lost Mom because of me--?"

"Hyung, I don't really remember her much. I was still a baby. You were barely 12 when we lost her and within a few years you took over all this. I know I don't say this a lot, but I am really glad I have you, hyung.."

Yoongi smiled through his tears and hugged his brother. Jungkook soon broke the hug and sighed.

"Come on, we have to go and rescue Hoseok hyung..."

Yoongi nodded and got up from his seat. Before they could move, Jungkook faced him and stared him.

"What? What is it?"

"Why did Hoseok hyung leave the mansion in the first place? You had clear instructions for him not to leave..and he had even said yes..what did you now, hyung?"

"Wait..I didn't do anything..why would you just assume that? I really didn't do anything this time..Mom had kept a journal where she had written about all this and he found the journal and well rest is history.."

"Oh, okay..that's not good.."

"Tell me about it."

They both sighed and started walking out of the door when Jungkook's phone rang. He checked the caller and quickly shoved the phone in his pocket.

"Wow, who are you avoiding so badly?"

"Umm..nobody..just a spam call.."

With this, he quickly walked out of the office and out the front door where he finally took a deep breath.

*Damn it, Taehyung...*

Before he could find time to call Tae back, Yoongi came out with a frantic expression on his face.

"One of our men just called. We know where Hoseok is being held captive.."


"At Steve's farmhouse in Gyeongju"

"That's a bit far from here. Will we reach in time?"

"He still hasn't called or taken any initiative which shows he's ready to negotiate. Which means he still doesn't have a plan. We take advantage of this.....let's go."

Yoongi started walking towards the car when Jungkook stopped him.

"Wait, hyung..where are you going? You stay here..I'll go bring him back. It can get risky with Steve with everything you just told me and you are important."

Yoongi turned back and gave a small smile.

"He's more important.."

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