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Yoongi POV-

Hoseok insisted on driving us to the place he wanted to take me.

I knew he had brought me to the beach but he still covered my eyes when we got down from the car.

I could hear the soft clashing of the waves and felt the warmth of the sun on my face, indicating it was almost evening.

I laughed.

"What's so special about the beach? And why are you covering my eyes? I've already been to the beach so it's nothing new. Ohh wait, is it to shield me from watching other half-naked guys??"

I laughed and heard Hoseok mumble under his breath.

"Aishh, this man. Do you always have to be like this? Just follow where I am taking you and stop being a baby.."

"I am being a baby? You are making me one, considering how I can barely walk with your hands closing my eyes and since when did the beach have rocks and such an uneven path?"

Hoseok laughed at my whining and I sighed.

"Don't worry, we are almost there.."

We suddenly stopped and he let go of me and uncovered my eyes. I looked around to see that we were standing on a low cliff with the view of the unending sea right in front of us.

There was nobody around and the beach was below us, sparkling because of the water and the evening sun. The sand glittered in the evening sun. It was beautiful.

"This is beautiful. How have I never been to this part of the beach before?"

I looked around and couldn't control my excitement anymore.

Hoseok walked over and stood beside me, admiring the view.

"Because it's not very noticeable.."

I nodded and realized that the place was a bit secluded. An idea crossed my mind and I moved closer to Hoseok.

I slipped my hand in his and he turned around, surprised.

I took this chance to slid my other hand around his waist and pull him closer. Hoseok blushed.

"Yoongi, I-I don't think we should..."

"I am not going to do anything. I just wanted you closer. But the flushed look on your face is priceless."

I leaned forward, hovering over his lips and instead, kissed his nose. 

"Yahh, why do you always tease me like that?"

Hoseok whined and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"Because you look cute when you are all flustered and I love watching that. I could watch it forever.."


The word 'forever' caught Hoseok's attention.

It made him realize how much he craved it. More importantly how much he wanted it with the man standing in front of him.

His heart and his mind were at a war. In the end, his mind had won.

The guilt started closing in and a stray tear escaped his eye.

But Yoongi was faster. He caught it and wiped it off Hoseok's cheek.

"Are you okay?"

He looked straight into Hoseok's eyes and Hoseok heard himself break from inside.

*I want to tell him so badly. I want to ask him to come with me but we both know that's impossible. He has responsibilities here and I have my dream in Seoul..*

Hoseok didn't say anything and pulled Yoongi in for a tight hug.

He held him as if his life depended on it, because it did. Hoseok couldn't control himself and he broke down right there, on Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi felt his shirt get wet and he broke the hug, making Hoseok face him.

"Hey, what happened, are you okay? Is something bothering you? You can talk to me, you know.."

Hoseok wiped his tears off and nodded.

"Yeah, I am okay. It's just this place.."

*I lied again..*

"What about this place? Was it a past lover or something?"

Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows, clearly amused and trying to lighten the mood. Hoseok smiled at his expression.

"No, this is the place my mother used to bring me every evening, sometimes even at night.."

Yoongi's face made a 'Oh' look and he nodded. They both walked over to the edge of the cliff and sat down, dangling their legs over the edge.

"This was the only place she could be herself. She used to bring me here and sing to me.

I have spent almost all of my childhood here. It holds a special place in my heart. Even after she died, I kept coming back here, for her.

To keep her memory alive.

And this may sound a little insane, but whenever I come here, I feel that she's with me, watching over me.."

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi and saw a few tears had rolled down his cheek. He immediately went and wiped them off.

"Don't.. don't you ever cry because of me, Min Yoongi. I can't see it..
I always want you to stay happy, no matter what.."

"Well, that's only possible when I am with you.."

Hoseok could feel his eyes burn with tears but he looked away and controlled himself.

He realized he still wasn't brave enough to do this. He wasn't brave enough to love.

He wasn't brave enough to be responsible for someone else's feelings.

He wasn't brave enough for Yoongi..

Instead of saying anything, he just slipped his hand in Yoongi's and they stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence and company.

It was peaceful until Yoongi's phone rang. He picked up the call.

"What is it, Jungkook? Is everything okay?"

Jungkook spoke from the other side and Hoseok looked over to see Yoongi's eyes widen.

"Okay, relax. Calm down. I'll be right there. You both get back to the mansion immediately."

With that he cut the call. Yoongi looked up to see Hoseok giving him a confused look.

"It's Seokjin. He knows about Jungkook and Taehyung.."

Oh my god, Seokjin knows...

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