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All Yoongi could think about was his father lied to him and the possibility that his mother may have died trying to protect him from all this brought tears to his eyes.

And on top of all this, Hoseok misunderstood everything. Yoongi pulled out his phone and called Jungkook to tell him what happened and to find Hoseok.

But he didn't pick up any of his calls.

*Weird..Jungkook never ignores my calls..*

Yoongi sighed and started walking rapidly towards his father's office. Millions of thoughts filled his head and a few tears escaped his eyes.

*Just when I thought we were making good progress..
Honestly..I am mad at did he trust something written by a dead person to a living person? I am right here. He could have just asked me anything...
But can I really blame him??*

Rage filled his mind and body as he walked in the office  and slammed the diary on his table.

His father flinched a bit and looked up from his book.
"Son, is everything okay? What happened??"

Yoongi pushed the diary towards him and pointed at it.

"Care to explain what mom wrote in that? Or were you planning on hiding it from me till the day I was forcefully married to someone I don't love?"

His father looked up at him, stunned.
"How do you know that? I had promised myself I'd never let you know about the biggest mistake I ever made in my life."

Yoongi waited for his father to continue with a stony expression on his face.
"Okay, I'll tell you everything son. Sit down."

Yoongi took a seat across his father. His father gave a long sigh and looked at Yoongi with a tired expression.

"It all started when you were 12 and I started losing was at a point where if we would have had one more failed deal, we would have gone completely bankrupt. I couldn't do anything for my family, your mother. We both talked about leaving this world entirely and go into hiding because you both were still very young. But it was practically impossible. Your grandfather needed me and well he was a stubborn man. So we decided to get help from your uncle. But he refused straight out because of how your grandfather treated him when we were young."

Yoongi couldn't help but interrupt his father.

"But if so much was happening..why not just leave it and run away? And what was so bad that mom ended up dead and you made such a deal? It doesn't even make sense."

"It will. Just wait for a few minutes."

Yoongi was starting lose patience now.
"Would you just get to the point? I don't have all day!"
His father looked at him and gave him a sad look.

"It was just a few days until Christmas and your mother had enough. We fought a lot in those days. And one day, out of spite, I just told her to take care of everything if she knows so much. What I didn't know that she'd take it seriously. That day I had an appointment with Katie's dad where he had mentioned he would help us through this. But when I went there, he told me there was a price to pay. And that price was your life, son. Her father asked me to arrange you both for marriage once she turns 30. And me being me, I couldn't say no. We needed the help and I had a family to protect.."

"So you decided to put your son's life on stake? For your own benefit?"

"It wasn't for my benefit. It was for all of you...please don't misunderstand me, son.."

"There's nothing left to misunderstand, Father.. it's all clear now. And for your information, I am not going to marry her. I already love someone else.."

"You mean Hoseok? You barely know him...and he already left, didn't he?"

Yoongi's head snapped towards his father in surprise.

"How did you--?"

"It wasn't that hard to guess...but I think its a good thing. You won't be distracted by anything.."

"Distracted?? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this a joke to you?"

"No, son.. it's not. But what you are expecting was a fantasy..which is almost impossible to find in this world.."


With that, he got up and started walking towards the door. His father called out to him. He turned around with a tired expression.

"Don't chase something unpredictable, son."

"Advice would be the last thing that I would take from you, Father. So don't even dare try it.."

His father gave out a long sigh. Yoongi started walking again but stopped abruptly.

"And what about Mom?"

"I came back to tell her what had happened, thinking she would happy. Instead she got mad and disappeared for a few hours. I thought she would cool down and come back once she realized that this was a good thing. But a few hours later, I got a call from one our spies saying they saw your mother's body being carried out by a couple of Seokjin's guards. To this date, I still don't know what happened and why she was there..."

Yoongi's anger had reached his peak. He knew if he didn't control it, he would do something very regrettable.

He took a deep breath and focused on what was his current priority...

Finding Hoseok..

I kinda feel bad for Yoongi's dad..

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