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Yoongi was still in bed, wide awake, unable to go back to sleep after the phone call he just had.

It was Jimin.

When his phone rang, he was fast asleep but the rings woke him up.

"Hyung, it's me, Jimin.."

His voice was cracking and it sounded like he was trying to muffle his cries.

Yoongi woke up instantly.

"What's wrong Jimin?"

"Hyung, I know, I haven't told you a lot of things and you have every right to be upset and not trust me---"

Yoongi cut him off with a sigh.

"I know about your mom, Jimin. And also about your rat in my team. Honestly, I am upset. Because you thought doing all this was easier than just coming to me for help. You know very well that I would have done anything without question."

"I know. I always knew. I am really sorry. I will find any way to make it up to you but right now it's not about me. It's about mom."

"What happened to her?"

"She was taken by Seokjin but now he's threatening to kill her. He said if I don't talk to you and convince you to step back about the treaties, he'll kill her. Please help me hyung. She's all I have left....

"And I don't have the means or resources to handle this cleverly and bring her back safely....I need your help, hyung.."

Yoongi gave out a frustrated sigh. He couldn't believe that Seokjin would stoop down this low to get what he wants.

*But who am I kidding? It's Kim Seokjin. He's been playing dirty since before he was even born..all of them have..*

"Okay, Jimin, listen to me. Nothing will happen to your mom. I promise. She'll come back, safe and sound, to you. We'll think of something..drop by later so we can discuss it."

"Okay. Thank you, Yoongi hyung.."

With that, he hung up. He laid back down on his bed and millions of thoughts raced through his mind.

But the most prominent one was Hoseok.

He had talked to him early last night and hadn't heard from him since then.

He was starting to get worried about whether Hoseok actually changed his mind and decided to give up on him.

*Well, that wouldn't be very surprising..*

Unable to go back to sleep, Yoongi got up and got ready for the day. Soon it was afternoon and he was in his office, working.

He saw Jungkook come in and randomly take a seat. Yoongi gave a soft chuckle amd sighed.

"It's just a gunshot wound Jungkook, I am not going to die."

Jungkook looked over to his brother and gave a puff.

"Well, I don't think you know how gunshots exactly work. You were really lucky that Hoseok hyung was there.."

"Yeah, I know. I was really lucky.."
"Has he called?? Or have you talked to him?"

"No, I haven't. At this point, I won't even be surprised if he just gave up."
"He has his own issues too, hyung. You should give him time."

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Jimin. He called this morning. Seokjin has threatened to kill his mother if we don't back off with our treaties with the smaller families."

Jungkook looked a bit shocked but nodded.
"So, what are we going to do now, hyung?"

"We trick him, obviously. I've known Seokjin for as long as I can remember. He's cruel and ruthless. But at the same time, he's proud. He would never go into the deeper works of the brain. He's an aloof person. He would never suspect it."

"But trick him how?"

As Yoongi was about to tell Jungkook, they both saw Jimin walking towards the office.

He walked in and bowed.

"Good, you are here. I was just telling Jungkook abo--"

Jimin cut off Yoongi before he could continue.

"Wait hyung, before you tell me anything, I want to say something. I want to explain myself. I know you must be thinking why I did this so I have to explain. Please let me.."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook and Jungkook gave him a nod.
"Okay, go ahead."
"Well, I think you better sit down for this one."

Yoongi gave Jimin a confused look but went behind his desk anyway and took a seat. Jungkook and Jimin took a seat across the table and Yoongi saw Jimin fidgeting.

"Jimin, what is it?"

"Okay, so I'll get straight to the point. The reason I gave in to Seokjin's demands was because of my son."

Yoongi looked at Jimin with wide eyes. It felt as if his eyes will fall off any moment. He looked over at Jungkook amd saw that Jungkook had mirrored his expression.

There was a long moment of silence before Jungkook spoke up.

"Hyung, I think you might have to start by explaining 'your son'.."

Jimin nodded and sighed.

"Seokjin took my mother, thinking it'll sway me to give in to his demands. But it didn't. My mom and I both know it wasn't that easy. When Seokjin started realizing that, he threatened to kill me. When even that didn't work, he went for my son."

"Your son?"

"So, nobody in our world knows that I have a son. I never told anyone. It was actually....umm...a one night stand....with...umm...your ex-girlfriend Katie, Yoongi hyung..."

Yoongi's eyes grew bigger at this revelation.

"What the fuck?"

"I know, I know. You really have every right to be mad at me. It was a very impulsive and rash decision clouded with lust. The next thing I realized, I am going to be a father. And I just couldn't let the baby go. He is my blood. And anyway she didn't want anything to do with him, so I brought him home with me."

Yoongi looked at Jimin and gave out a frustrated sigh.

He could feel a headache coming and he rubbed his temples. He felt his anger rising.

*Yoongi, you have to calm down... think of something good...think of Hoseok...*

After a while, he felt his anger cool down and he spoke up.

"So now, he has your son?"

"No, he doesn't. He's safe with his mother. But the point is, nobody knew about this but Seokjin does because when he realised none of his threats worked, he dug deeper. That means he knows everything and that means my son's life is in danger..."

"The fact that you have a kid with my ex which you kept hidden from me for god knows how long and now you are coming and telling me all this just because you need me to help you is a lot to take in, Jimin. You will have to excuse me, if I suddenly lose my shit..."

Jimin looked at Yoongi fuming and his eyes filled with tears.

"Ple-please hyung. Help me. I can't lose him. He means everything to me. Don't do it for me. Do it for your nephew."

"The nephew I didn't know about?"

Jimin sat silently, guilt written all over his face. Yoongi sighed and gave in.

"We'll protect your son, nephew from him and rescue your mother too. But you better be ready to pay me back for this, Park Jimin.."

Hey guys,
I hope you all are doing good..💜💜
Take care and stay safe..

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