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When Yoongi reached the mansion with Hoseok, he expected the entire area to be filled with Seokjin's men, waiting to attack.

But when he reached there, all he saw was a couple of cars parked outside the gate and a few of his men on guard outside the mansion.

"Huh, this is weird. Something is wrong.."

Hoseok looked up at Yoongi's words.

"What is weird?"

"Given how he usually acts, I had expected him to bring a full force or something and charge them against me. But this, this is way too quiet. Its weird."

"Maybe, he decided to stand down and talk and sort it out for once? You never know. People can be unpredictable."

"People, yes. Kim Seokjin, No."

They got out of the car and walked in, only to see Seokjin, sitting in the porch area.

He turned around and whispered to Hoseok.

"Okay, now this is more weird. Why is he sitting like that?"

"Well, you won't know unless you talk to him.."

They both walked towards Seokjin and Yoongi cleared his throat in an attempt to get his attention.

Seokjin looked up but there wasn't even a small trace of anger in his eyes.

Instead, he just looked tired and fed up. Yoongi gave him a confused look.

"Yahh, why are you sitting like that? Why aren't you doing something?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like you always do. Fight back. Or attack. Or anything. You just came to know that your brother loves mine and that they are together. We'd expected you to get mad and blow up."

"Is that what you expected? Sorry to burst your bubble and disappoint you.."

Seokjin retorted sarcastically and looked at Yoongi and then Hoseok.

He got up from his seat and started walking towards the main door.

"Where are they? I need to see Taehyung."

"They are both safe, inside."

"I am not going to hurt anyone. I just want to see Taehyung."

By now his words sounded desperate.

Hoseok heard the desperation and pulled Yoongi aside and whispered to him.

"He really sounds genuine. Let him just see them."

"I don't trust him.."

"Me neither. But we'll be right there if anything goes wrong.."

Seokjin huffed in frustration.

"You both know, I am standing right here?"

Yoongi gave him a bored look and Seokjin spoke up again.

"You think I do all this because I want to?"


"No, I do it because I have to..."

Yoongi looked at him with confusion.

*What is this guy talking about?*

"What exactly are you talking about?"

"Just let me see Taehyung. I'll tell you everything. It's not as simple as you think. But I think only I can make it simple."

Yoongi sighed and finally gave in and took him inside the mansion and in his office, Hoseok right behind him.

There they saw Taehyung and Jungkook, sitting and trying to calm themselves down.

When Tae saw his hyung, he immediately expected to get a slap across his face but when his hyung almost ran to him and hugged him tight, he was stunned.

"Hyung, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..I am just really glad to see you.."

"Um, okay? Where is Namjoon hyung? And how are you here?"

"Actually I need to talk to you."

He turned around and faced everyone.

"Actually I need to talk to all of you. We'll wait for Namjoon-ahh."

Yoongi and Jungkook looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Jungkook immediately pulled Taehyung close to him and Yoongi did the same with Hoseok.

Seokjin noticed this and gave a sarcastic chuckle.

"I am not going to do anything to anyone. Especially not my brother."

Seokjin turned towards Yoongi and stared at him.


"I think you would want to call your father.."

"My father?"

"Yes. I think he should know too.."

Yoongi gave him a confused look and walked out of his office.


Yoongi POV-

I was walking towards my father's office when I saw Namjoon walk in through the main door.

I stopped and called out to him.

"What is your brother planning exactly? Is this his way of a new strategy or something..?"

Namjoon stopped and looked at Yoongi with a weird expression
"I would tell you if I knew it myself."

"What do you mean?"

"Today, in the morning, when he came to know about Tae and Jungkook, he was mad but suddenly his demeanor changed when I accused him of controlling everything. And plus, he asked me to bring these.."

Namjoon showed a bunch of letters he was holding, tied with a ribbon.

They looked very old, but the ribbon looked new.

"What are these?"

"I don't know. But hyung told me to bring those. They are all addressed to our father.

But there's no name about who sent them. And I haven't opened them yet."

Yoongi read the envelopes and the handwriting looked familiar.

"The ribbon looks new and the handwriting looks familiar."

"Oh, the ribbon was hyung. I think he found them randomly, so he put them together. I don't know about the handwriting."

Suddenly something flashed in Yoongi's mind, when he was trying to identify the writer.

He recognized the handwriting.

It was his mother.


What more are these people hiding??!

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