13 3 8

Hoseok was getting restless in his seat. There was a math class going on in front of him but he had no idea what was being taught. He zoned out. His mind went back to the events of the day.

A few hours ago-
All he could think about was the man that walked into his cafe a couple minutes ago, Yoongi. He still didn't know how he had indirectly asked him out and more surprised that he had said yes. After he left the cafe, Hoseok looked down at the card in his hand.

*So his full name is Min Yoongi and he's a businessman? Wait it also says he's the CEO...WHAT?!*

He quickly shoved the card in his jeans pocket and went back to work. After his shift ended, he went back home to get changed.

Today he was going to practice in a real dance studio for his upcoming audition. His father didn't know about this and he wanted to keep it that way. He quickly walked in and changed into comfortable clothes. He planned on sneaking out because his father was busy in the kitchen and he didn't want to put him off.

He quickly grabbed his shoes and was about to step out when he heard his father's loud shout.
"Where the hell are you going Jung Hoseok?"
"Oh, um, to school."
"Who you trying to fool, doesn't start for a another few hours."
"Oh, I have extra classes for math. I am falling a bit behind in that class. So the teacher offered to take extra for me before school."
His father came out of the kitchen and glared at him. Hoseok recoiled in front of his angry gaze.

Hoseok's cheek burned where his father's palm landed. His face felt so numb that he couldn't even feel the few tears rolling down his cheek. He couldn't move. He couldn't look up and confront his father.
All he could do was recoil and shrink down in front of his father and his scary gaze.

"Now you are going to lie to me? Is that what I taught you? Is that how I am going to be paid back for looking after your pathetic ass for the last 21 years?"
Hoseok couldn't respond back. He just stood there, rooted to his spot.

He suddenly felt blood rushing back to his cheek and realized he'd been crying all this time.
"Go up to your room and don't ever think about doing anything other than working and studying." his father shouted.

Hoseok walked up to his room quietly and locked the door. He went to check his wound in the mirror. His right cheek was swollen up and it had bruised pretty bad. Hoseok sighed.
*This time, no amount of make-up is going to cover this up.*

He suddenly remembered the business card he had in his jeans pocket. He spent an hour, thinking whether he should text this man or not. After a lot of debate with himself, he finally decided to text him.

Yoongi: Hey, its me, Hoseok. This is my number and xxxx, this the address to my night school. Take care.

The sound of the bell ringing brought him back to the present. He looked at the clock to check the time. His school was over. He got up amd started walking outside the class, towards his locker. He put his books in and walked outside.

He wasn't sure if Yoongi would actually take his offer and show up. But as soon as he walked outside the gate, he saw Yoongi, sitting in a car, looking at something behind his car. Hoseok smiled to himself.

*So he came..*

Yoongi still hadn't seen him come. He started walking towards the car when he saw Yoongi get out of the driver seat, looking at someone behind his car. He saw Yoongi walk up to a man in black and they started talking. He seemed to be very uncomfortable around that man.

Hoseok got a little closer to them when he heard a piece of their conversation.
"I know what you are thinking. How am I here and how did I know you would be here. By now I think you might have guessed that there's a rat in your team." The man starts laughing.

"Sabotaging your deal with the Italians was real fun. I hadn't had fun in months. And plus they believed me so easily." Yoongi was starting to lose his temper and his hands slowly reached for his gun.

"So you here for your new plaything, huh? I knew you could never keep it in your pants. What would your mother think, Yoongi? Let's see. Would you like to go to her and find out? " The man smirked. Yoongi gave him a death glare.

As Hoseok got more closer, he saw Yoongi pull out a gun, ready to fire and his demeanor screamed rage. Hoseok was stunned. He wanted to stop Yoongi from doing something bad but the man in front of him had also pulled out a gun already. Both of them looked ready to shoot each other if need arises. But before Yoongi could shoot him, Hoseok called out to him.

"Yoongi!!! Noo.."
At Hoseok's shout, both men turned around to the source of the voice. His body was slightly tilted towards Hoseok so that he could make his intentions clear. Yoongi shouted at him to stay away but seeing that Yoongi was distracted, the man in front of him, fired. The bullet went straight for Yoongi and hit him right in his stomach.
"No!!! Yoongi!!"

Hoseok ran towards him as fast as he could and caught him right before his head hit the ground.

", stay with me. Stay with not go to sleep.."

Tears filled Hoseok's eyes and he couldn't think straight. Yoongi's breathing got heavier and his hands were filled with his blood.

He gave Hoseok a weak smile before he lost his consciousness completely.

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