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Jungkook POV-

I was stunned at his statement.

"Hyung, what do you mean??!"

He looked at me with a smile.

"I am done chasing, Jungkook. I don't want to keep feeling this way. I love him way too much for my feelings to get changed to hate or resentment because of his behaviour. So its better if I stop here. That way I'll always remember him as my love. My only love.."

He got up and walked towards me.

"And besides, I have a lot of responsibility here. I have you all. I have Areum and Ji-hoon here. They need their uncle."

"But hyung, you love him. And I know he does too. You can't give up like this.."

"I tried twice, Jungkook-ahh. He always runs away from me. And you are saying he loves me?"

"Yes, because I've seen it in his eyes. He might be afraid of talking or opening up. And I know you don't give up so easily, hyung."

"I can't keep repeating this.."

"You don't have to. Just don't lose faith or hope. Please.."

He laughed a bit and started walking out of the office.

"Come on. I am sure you messed up Areum's food again.."

"Yaah, what do you mean by again?"


Hoseok POV-

When we arrived in front of my old home, I thought nostalgia would hit me like a truck.

But instead, all I saw was a 10-year-old me playing outside, waiting for his mother to take him with her to work.

And the next thing I saw my mother hurrying us inside because our lives were in danger.

I sighed.

"Coming back here is not easy.."

With that, I walked in and saw that there was barely any stuff left.

*I think he sold most of it, for money..*

Yuna came behind me and stood beside me, looking around.

"You grew up here?"

I nodded and looked at her with a small smile.

"There's no extra bedroom or should get a hotel room. This won't be comfortable and there's barely anything here."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to stay here. If it turns out to be the last time I stay here, I want to spend some time here. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to my body. I have continuous tours six months from now.."

"Yahh, it's not about tours. It's about your health.."

I chuckled and put a hand around her shoulder.

"I'll be fine. You forget I've spent 21 years of my life here.."

She sighed and nodded. She walked around a bit and suddenly turned around with wide eyes.

"Is this where your mom--??"

"Yeah, right by that center table. I was in there before I was pulled out by one of his men.."

I pointed towards a door behind me. She nodded and continued walking around.

"Ahh, you are so cute here.."

She had a frame in her hand and I walked towards her with confusion.

My confusion increased more when I saw a photo frame which had all three of us in it.

We were smiling.

We looked happy.

She placed it back where she found it and walked towards the exit.

"I'll leave you to unpack. And let's get something to eat once you are done. You have a meeting with the attorney tomorrow morning at nine."

I nodded and saw her out before coming back in and entering the only bedroom the house had.

I quickly unpacked and met with Yuna and took her to the coffee shop where I worked.

As soon as I walked in, I was hit by memories. I saw myself behind the counter and Yoongi standing on the opposite side, flirting with me.

I remembered the feeling I had when he left that day, giving me his number.

Everything came back and I found myself smiling.

"Unless you saw Yoongi himself somewhere on our way, its really creepy that you are smiling like that.."

Yuna's voice suddenly brought me out of my imagination and I sighed.

"No, I didn't. I haven't seen him since that morning. I don't even know if he's here or not. He hasn't contacted me.."

"Okay about that.."


"What do you really want, Hoseok?"

I looked at her and processed her question.

*What do I want?*

My mind went back to all the time we had spent together and all the memories we had made.

We weren't together for long before I ran away but I remember being happy.

I remember being contended. I remember being myself. I wanted that back. I wanted him back. I wanted to cherish him for the rest of my life.

"I want him.."

Ahhhhh, Hoseok wants him😭😭😭
Then just go after him and make him yours...😭😭😭

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