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"Come in.."

Hoseok and Yuna heard Mr. Park's voice from inside when they knocked on his office door.

Hoseok opened the door and entered, with Yuna, behind him.

"Ohh, Mr. Jung. Please come in. Have a seat.."

"Um, it's just Hoseok. Call me Hoseok.."

He saw Mr. Park smile and nod.

"What can I do for you, Hoseok?"

"I realised why you told me do it alone.."

Recognition spread over Mr. Park's face and he have a small nod.

"So, now you know.."

Hoseok nodded and remained silent.
"Have you known this for long??"

Hoseok questioned Mr. Park.

"Not long. He told me everything just before his condition deteriorated rapidly.."

Hoseok nodded, tears filling up his eyes, once again.

"I didn't do right by him, did I??"

"On the contrary, you did by listening and believing yourself.."

"But still.."

Mr. Park nodded and handed him another envelope.

"These are the hospital reports and papers for taking ownership of your father's body. He needs to be given a proper burial."

Hoseok nodded and took the envelope from him.

"I think we have a family plot, a few miles from our house. That's where Mom was buried. Dad has a grave named to her left and I have mine named to her right. She always said she wanted us to stay together even after we died or something like that.."

Hoseok sighed and Mr. Park gave him a small smile.

Hoseok suddenly looked up at Mr. Park with a questioning look.

"Do you think, it'd be right to call Yoongi and everyone?"

Mr. Park sighed.

"Hoseok, I can't really tell you what to do. But if you want, you can try.."

Hoseok nodded and got up.

"I have to do this myself. Is it okay if I call the hospital and tell them that you and Yuna will take responsibility for the body on my behalf? Is that okay?"

Mr. Park nodded.

"Yes, I think that's possible..."

"Okay. I have to go now. And make some major life changes. I'll see you both soon.."

With that, he exited the office and drove straight to the Min mansion..

*If I don't do this now, It'll end forever..*


Jungkook POV-

I was playing with Areum and Ji-hoon in my office when the doorbell rang.

*Who could it be at this time? Everybody living here already have a key..*

My guard instantly went up and I walked towards my table and hid a gun inside my jacket.

I quickly walked towards Ji-hoon and Areum and crouched down.

"Areum sweetie, stay here, okay? Dadda will be back soon. And Ji-hoon, please look after your sister.."

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