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Hoseok POV-

It was early in the morning and I was sitting in the balcony of our room, coffee cup in hand.

The sun had just risen so it wasn't very hot and it felt good on my face. I looked down at the garden and a small tree came in my line of sight. I smiled, remembering that day.

It's been five years already, since we got engaged. When I look back at all the times we've spent together and all the difficulties we've faced, I feel proud that we were strong enough to make through all of them.

I turn around to see Yoongi, still asleep in our bed.
After the engagement, I stayed back and wrapped up my father's estate and money and finally put him to rest.

I used the money to start Hope Corp. in my hometown so that I could stay closer to Yoongi and everyone else.

I remembered how happy Yoongi was that day when I told him I won't be going anywhere. Now, today, Hope Corp. is the second largest entertainment agency in all of Korea after YG. I hope to take it further than this.

We soon got married, a year later, at the same place where Jungkookie and Tae got married in Hawaii. I couldn't be more happier than this. I think back to all the times we almost broke everything off and were ready to leave but stayed only for the sole reason that we loved each other.

I am grateful that everyday Yoongi chooses to stay beside me and fight for me instead of packing everything and leaving.

I love him for that..

Suddenly I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulders but I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

I smiled in my cup and looked at the morning sky.

"Did you sleep well, hon?"

Yoongi came forward and took a seat on my lap.

"Yup. After last night's events, it was hard not to.."

He smirked and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. He leaned in closer and rested his head on my shoulder.

He looked over at the morning sky.

"It's beautiful.."

I nodded and looked at him, fondly. We heard our bedroom door opening and small footsteps making their way inside.

We both turned around to see Se Ri walking towards us, a big smile on her face.

I looked at her and smiled.

"She's really getting good at walking. A few days ago, she was tripping a lot.. now look at her.."

I heard soft sniffles beside me and I turned to Yoongi, surprised.

"Yoongi-ahh, are you crying?"

He shook his head with tears in his eyes. I waited for him to answer. He looked up at me and sighed.

"She's growing up way too fast.."

He got up from my lap and walked towards her, baby talking to her.

"Ahh, look at my babygirl.. doing so well. You deserve a treat, Se Ri-ahh.."

He picked her up and her giggles increased because of suddenly being lifted into the air.

She gave a high pitched giggle and Yoongi walked over to me, with Se Ri in his arms.

He took a seat beside, cuddling Se Ri in his lap. I couldn't help but watch them with tears in my eyes.

Suddenly I heard a laugh and I broke out of my trance, only to find Se Ri making grabby hands at me.

I chuckled and extended my hands in front of her. She crawled from Yoongi's lap to mine and made herself comfortable.

I kissed her hair and she smelled of baby. I brought her closer to me and held her tight.

I caught Yoongi staring at me and I turned my attention to him.

"What is it, babe?"

He just smiled and shook his head.

"Come on..."

"Really, it's nothing. I am just thankful to have you and Se Ri in my life. I would never imagine my life in any other way. Both of you mean the world to me.."

I blushed and looked away. I heard him chuckle beside me.

"It's been a while since I've seen you blush. Now it's either baby talk or moans. There's no in between for you.."

He started laughing at his joke and I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Yahh, that's not true.."

I saw him cross his arms with a smirk on his face. I sighed at the truth.

"Then why don't you try and make me blush more. You know, you can try too, right?"

"Sure, I can, babe. Or should I say, Mr. Min??"

His smirk grew wider and I blushed harder than ever before..

I know I said in the last chapter that that was officially the end of the book..
But when I went back to read it again, I felt, I should do justice to this book.
Hope you guys like it and I hope it's satisfying..

Thank you so much, everyone for reading Be Mine..

I am adding an ending poster which was made my best friend @stobitnova.
I love you so much, for staying here and making me go ahead and do this, hon.
I also wanted to thank all the readers, active or silent.
You guys are awesome and I love y'all..



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