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Yoongi POV-

The air still felt like him whenever I walked over to the edge. It hadn't changed even a bit in the past five years even though I expected it to.

It was night time and the moon was out. It shone on the sea water and the reflections looked like tiny lights lighting up the entire sea.

Jungkook and Jin hyung had called me a couple of times but I had left the calls, unanswered.

*Whatever they want can wait. For now I want to be here and feel the air. This is the only place I get to feel him..*

I deeply inhaled the sea air and felt at peace. I looked up at the sky and stared at the stars.

"You know, Mrs. Jung, you may have done a very good job in raising your son but he's still an asshole. I don't understand how. Ahh, how I wish you were here. I am sure you would have beat his ass for such behavior.."

"Ohh, she would have, definitely.."

"Wow, now I am hearing his voice in the air too. Am I finally going insane?"

"Well then, was my run here all for nothing??"

After hearing his voice for the second time, I turned around to see Hoseok, standing a few meters away, panting.

At first, I really thought I was imagining him but then I rubbed eyes and looked again.

He was really there. My eyes widened and my mouth hung open.

I couldn't believe he was really here, standing right in front of me.

I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times but I still couldn't get words out of my mouth.

"Are you going to keep looking at me like a fish? I am sorry but that's really funny and I don't want to laugh in such a situation."

I got up and walked towards him. I stopped in front of him, still trying to comprehend the reality.

I touched his face just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I gasped when I felt him on my fingertips.

"You're really here.."

My hands automatically covered his face, caressing his cheeks. I felt him lean in to my touch and he gave a soft hum of approval.

Without a second thought, I pulled him into a tight hug.

"I missed you, so much.."

Tears threatened to roll down my face but I controlled myself. I felt him hug me back and held me close, refusing to let go.

"Oh my god, I thought you'd be mad at me.."

Hoseok mumbled and I huffed. I broke the hug and faced him. My expression suddenly turned to a slight scowl.

"I am mad at you. It's going to take you years to make it up to me. But that doesn't mean I can't love you. I'll love you even when I am mad at you."

He chuckled slightly and nodded.

"And I'll gladly spend my entire life trying to make up for everything I messed up."

By now, both of our eyes were teared up. I took him by his hand and led him by the edge and we both sat down, feet dangling off the rocks.

I tried to let go of his hand but he held on, tight. He pulled me closer to him and slid a hand around my waist.

"Now this is better.."

I blushed at his statement and looked away. There was silence between us and the only sounds were of the waves and our breathing.

"He was a friend, who liked me.."

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