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Namjoon POV-

In the twenty-six years of my life, I've never felt this kind of hurt before. Not when our parents died. Not when I was hurt in love, in friendships. This world has a way a of playing with you and this, here, with hyung, was the biggest game I ever felt.

I looked at him, with shock in my eyes and unable to believe that my life has been a lie.

After a long pause, I heard someone clearing their throat. I turned to the owner of the voice and it was Yoongi.

He walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. I instantly recoiled and moved away from everyone.

"Don't touch me.."

The reply came out as a squeak and I hated myself for tearing up.

I started walking towards the door, in an attempt to escape this. I wanted to run away. I didn't want to face anyone. I felt useless. I felt like all my life, I've been living a lie. I walked faster when I heard hyung calling my name.

"Namjoon-ahh, wait..let me explain.."

But I didn't wait. I ran away.


"Well, that went smooth. Great way to tell someone that their life has been a lie all these years. With an audience."

Hoseok was the first one to speak up after Namjoon ran away.

Everybody turned around to look at him and Seokjin couldn't control his disgust.

"Why are you even here? This is a family matter?"

Hoseok was taken aback by this response but he didn't say anything.

Yoongi came forward and stared at Seokjin.

Seokjin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, I know. That's a lot to take in. I wouldn't be surprised if you reacted the same way.."

Yoongi still hadn't spoken.

"What is it? Why are you starting at me like that?"

"So, is this why you hate me?"


"You said you knew this for a long time. Is that why you hate me? Because he's related to me too?"


"What? Why?"

"Okay, let's be honest here. You are the better brother. You can read and understand people."

Yoongi was stunned.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I just umm--if you knew about this, I thought you would want to, you know, umm, bond with him or something. And he'd obviously like you better. I was afraid of that.."

"Kim Seokjin, are you telling me, you hated me on purpose, out of jealousy? For your brother??!!"

Seokjin didn't say anything. Instead he just kept staring at the ground, looking embarrassed.

"How old are you? What the fuck, dude?"

"Look, I know how this looks. And judge me all you want. But yes. I was scared for Namjoon. And it's my job to protect them. Both of them. And I'd do anything for them.."

"But-- I don't understand--!?"

"Look, when I came to know about this, I thought you would know this too. Both you and your father. I also thought you would do something to him. It's not his fault. It's theirs."

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