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Min Yoongi was never the one to show emotions or feelings out to the world because he believed that emotions made people weak.

He had seen it happen. His mother. She was the kindest person he knew. She had a lot of love to give and she was a very honest woman.

She loved his father and her children a lot. Maybe a little too much.

So when it came to choosing between her life or her husband's territory, as it was stated by the leader of his biggest rival, the Kim gang, Kim Seokjin, she had gladly chosen her husband's territory and was killed the very instant.

His mother was killed for loving too much.

The rivalry between the Min gang and the Kim gang had been going on for a long time, since the time their grandparents were in charge.

Even if there were other Mafia families, these two were the biggest of them all.

When Yoongi had taken over from his father, he had sworn he would end the Kim gang once and for all.

This was partly the reason he never loved. He was always afraid something would happen to them.

But all this had changed when he had seen Hoseok walk into his club.

His body and heart responded on their own, defying everything his brain was telling them.

It was as if he had finally found peace and he didn't even know the guy yet.

Yoongi was sitting in his office, thinking all this when his younger brother,
Jungkook came with shirt and his jeans filled with blood and his entire body covered in sweat.

Yoongi looked up at him and froze.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened?? Are you okay? Are you injured? Why is there blood on your clothes? Would you answer me Min Jungkook?!!"

"Hyung...relax. And yes i will answer once you stop bombarding me with questions all at once."

"Oh okay right. Sorry. So tell me what happened."

" I was out at our dock to review that arms deal we made last month with the Italian mafia leader in exchange of our business expansion in Italy. That deal went south and 2 of our men were killed and one was badly injured. I had to take him to the hospital. So its his blood on my shirt."

Yoongi got frustrated and he could feel his anger boiling up inside him.

"Wait..why were you out reviewing a deal on your own? How many times have I told you not to go without me or rather not go at all? You know how dangerous it is out there..I cannot lose you too..."

"So what do you want me to do? Sit here and watch you take all the risks every day? Watch you risk your life every day? Hyung, this my family too. This is what I was born into. I can't always let you take charge of everything. You've been doing it for a long time now."

Yoongi sighed at his brother's words. He got more frustrated because somehow they were true.

He walked over to his brother and gave him a tight hug. His brother sighed and returned the hug.

They broke the hug and Yoongi told him to go and get cleaned up. Jungkook nodded and went out of the office.

As Yoongi was about to go back to his desk, he saw his father lingering outside the office.

"What is it Dad? You can come in, you know."

"Ahh yes, son, I know. I just didn't want to ruin your moment with your brother."

Yoongi chuckled at his father's words. He went back to his chair and took a seat. His father took a a seat in front of him.

"Son, I know you have a lot of burden on you and you worry a lot. I m sorry for dragging you into this."

"No, Dad. As Jungkook said, we both were born into this family and this world. After mom's death, you were devasted and the enemies were closing in. I had to step up."

"Yes, but in that process, you lost a lot."

Yoongi looked at his father and gave him a sad smile. There was silence for sometime before his father spoke up again.

"How did that peace treaty go yesterday? Are the smaller families willing to join hands?"

"Yes they are. But some of them were also approached by Kim Seokjin before me and he also offered them incentive."

Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh.

"But don't worry, I will come up with something for sure. I won't let him or his family win."

"Ahh son I know you will do the right thing, as always. Just remember, to be fair."

With this, Yoongi's dad left the office and his mind soon went back to the attack on the dock.

*We had an agreement and a pretty good one at that. What made him change his mind and he dared to go against me?
I have to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible..*

Hey guys, what's up?? How do you like it so far?
How do you think the deal went south?
Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote..

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