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Jungkook's POV-

The ride to the farmhouse was silent and plus we had taken a more secluded path to avoid recognition or the news getting out that we are going to Steve's farmhouse.

We wanted to use the element of surprise to rescue Hoseok hyung.

I was driving and I could feel Yoongi hyung's eyes on me.

"What is it, hyung?"

"I knew you lied to me back at home when I asked you about the phone call. You never lie to me. So I hope the lie was worth it. And I hope one day, you are comfortable enough to talk to me about it.."

I instantly felt guilty at his words. I was about to say something when I saw a car in the rear view mirror.

*Huh, that's odd. If it was our car, it would have stayed in line. But this one is speeding steadily towards us...*

"Hyung, there's a car approaching us. Who do you think it is?"


Yoongi looked in the rearview mirror and saw a black car approaching them. It looked suspicious.

His hand instantly went to his gun but Jungkook stopped him with his free hand.

"Hyung, I can see them..."

"Who is it??"

Jungkook didn't answer but instead kept staring at the car or specifically at the driver.

He looked stunned. Yoongi came closer and shook him by his shoulder.


He snapped out of his trance and turned towards Yoongi.

"It's umm...its-its..Taehyung."

"What??! Taehyung?? Why is he here?? And wait a minute, how did he even know??"

Jungkook's eyes widened at the question but he kept mute and kept staring at Tae in the mirror.

Slowly, the car approached them and now it was driving right beside theirs.

Jungkook gave him a side look from the window and rolled it down. Yoongi immediately sprang on Tae with questions in a loud voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Kim Taehyung? And how did you even know? Are you following us? And how do you even what to be here for?"

He suddenly heard another voice coming from the car and it was Namjoon.

Jungkook's eyes got so wide that he thought they'd pop out any minute now.

"Great, another Kim. Don't you guys have anything better to do instead of keeping tabs on us and always being around us?"

"Relax, Yoongi. We are not here to cause any trouble, we assure you that.."

"Then why are you here?"

"We're here to help. More specifically Taehyung wanted to help..and I couldn't let him go alone and plus hyung doesn't know about this.."

"So you are telling me, you are here to help? Your rival? Without your brother knowing? And you expect me to believe that??"

"Believe whatever you want."

All through this conversation, Jungkook was silent and staring at Tae.

When Tae looked over to him, he seemed to say 'sorry, but I couldn't stay away'.

Jungkook sighed and paid attention to driving.

They soon reached the farmhouse and parked their cars in the forest, away from the house so that they won't get detected.

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