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It had been a few days since Hoseok was staying with Yoongi and Yoongi couldn't be more happier. Even he wasn't working for a few days and he had helped Hoseok settle in.

They were all having breakfast when suddenly Yoongi remembered something.

He looked over at Hoseok, who was eating peacefully.
"By the way, when you decide to go back to school, please tell me. I'll come with you."

"Why exactly? Don't you have work?"

"Yeah, but its not more important than you. So.."

Hoseok blushed slightly at Yoongi's words and gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry, I am not going back. I dropped out."

Both Yoongi and Jungkook looked up from their plates with wide eyes.

"You dropped out? When?"

"That day, when I left home.."

Before Yoongi could ask him more, one of his men walked into the dining area and bowed in front of Yoongi.

"What is it?"

"Sir, there is someone here to see you."

"Now? This early in the morning? I didn't have anything scheduled today. Did he say who he was and why he was here?"

"No, sir. He just wants to meet you, directly."

"Um okay, send him in."

The man nodded and walked out. Yoongi looked at Jungkook and instinctively both of their hands went for their guns. They all got up from their seats and Yoongi shielded Hoseok behind his back.

"Seriously? You are still injured."

"But I have to protect you."

"Not always."

Hoseok reached for Yoongi's gun and pulled it out. He hid it behind his back and went and stood beside Yoongi.

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. As they waited for the visitor to appear, Yoongi couldn't help but look over at Hoseok.

His eyes travelled from Hoseok's face, down to his neck to his entire body.

*Damn, he's did I get so lucky?*

"You are staring.."

Yoongi snapped out of his daze and looked up to see Hoseok watch him with amused eyes and a smirk on his face.

"Huh? What?"

"I said, you are staring..."

"N-no, I am not..I was just looking at how natural you look. With a little bit of training, you could actually lead missions.."

Yoongi quickly covered his hesitation with a fact. Hoseok smirked.

"Sure, I'd love to..but your drool says otherwise.."

At this, Hoseok started laughing and Yoongi checked if he was telling the truth and well he was.


"Oh my god, would you guys please get a room?"

Jungkook spoke suddenly with desperation and cringe. Yoongi's face grew redder and Hoseok started laughing harder.

"Ahh, will have to get used to it. I don't think I am going to leave your brother anytime soon.."

Yoongi's head snapped up immediately at Hoseok's words.

"Really? You are not scared?"

"Well, I was never scared. Fed up would be a better word. My life was ruined by one of yours and I am not about to forget that. But that doesn't mean all of you are the same. You both are not and I can see that. You value people and feelings, maybe not always..but still. And plus......"

Hoseok walked closer to Yoongi and whispered in his ears,
".......I heard that you people like it rough."

Hoseok backed away and watched Yoongi's expression change from confusion to surprise to a sexy smirk.

"Oh yeah, we do..."

Hoseok mirrored Yoongi's smirk.

"Okay, someone please kill me before this flirting turns into full-blown sex, right here.."

At this, Yoongi and Hoseok started laughing and Jungkook cringed more.

Before they could continue, they heard a knock on the door and the same man from earlier entered.

"Sir, he's here. Should I let him in?"


The man bowed and made way for the person behind him to enter.

Jungkook's POV-
We were waiting to see who the person was who had come to meet hyung, unannounced.

I had a very bad feeling about this. But when I saw the person who entered, all of my previous worries no longer mattered.

My surprise took a whole new level when I saw him. Flashback of memories started playing in my head.


I could no longer control my curiosity, surprise and anger.

"Kim Taehyung, what the fuck are you doing here??"

A possible Taekook intro?

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