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Yoongi woke up to the sound of beeping. He slowly opened his eyes to see himself in a bed surrounded by monitors. Once he was fully awake, he looked around him and saw that he was in a hospital room.

Needles were stuck in his hands and when he tried to get up, a sharp pain shot through his stomach. He fell back on the bed with a groan.

He tried to recollect what happened and how he ended up here. Suddenly the door opened and he saw Jungkook walk in, with their dad.

"Hyung!! You are awake."
Jungkook ran towards him. There was fear all over his face. His eyes were swollen. It looked like he had cried.

"What happened? How did you get shot? Who shot you and what the hell happened?"

Shot. Right. Kim seokjin. His taunts.

Yoongi losing his shit and Seokjin firing at him. Everything came back to him in seconds.

He looked up at brother with a small smile.
"I am fine, Jungkook. Relax."
"No, you are not. Stop lying."

Yoongi chuckled.
*He cares too much about me.*

Suddenly something came to his mind.
"Wait a minute, how did I get here?"
"Hoseok hyung brought you here."

Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Wait a minute. He was here?

"He was here?? Wait, how do you know Hoseok? And Hoseok hyung? How long have I been out for exactly?!"
His dad came forward patted his leg. He had a worried expression on his face.

"What is it, dad? Is Hoseok okay?"
"Yeah, son, he's absolutely fine. He brought you here about two days ago and since then you have been out. You woke up today. Hoseok didn't leave your side all this time. He slept here for 2 days."

*Hoseok stayed here? For me?*

Yoongi's eyes teared up but he quickly controlled himself. He saw his dad watching him.

"What exactly happened, son?"
"We'll talk about everything but first can I see Hoseok? Is he still here?"
"Yeah, he's down getting coffee. I'll send him right up."

After a while, Yoongi saw Hoseok walk through the door. He had an unreadable expression on his face. Yoongi's heart sank a little because he thought Hoseok would be excited to see that he woke up but instead he got coldness.


Hoseok didn't respond. He walked towards the bed and took a seat on the stool. He stared deeply into Yoongi's eyes, making him uncomfortable.

"Uh, what is it? Is something wrong?"
Hoseok still didn't say anything. Yoongi started to get a little restless.

*Did something bad happen?*

He saw Hoseok's eyes tear up. A few tears rolled down his cheek. Hoseok came closer to Yoongi. Yoongi was stunned. He also noticed a bruise on Hoseok's face.

"What happened to your face? Did you get hurt? Did he do something to you? Why do you have bruise on you face?"

Yoongi started rambling but Hoseok shut up him up with a kiss.

The kiss was soft and Yoongi could taste the salt from Hoseok's tears. He was crying. Hoseok suddenly deepened the kiss and broke it off as soon as it started.

"Well, normally I'd be the one to initiate such thin--"
Yoongi got cut off because of Hoseok's angry voice.

"Shut up. Just shut up. What the hell were you thinking, pulling a gun on someone, just like that? And what kind of people do you surround yourself with? He just shot you and ran away? And you knew that man because I saw you have a heated discussion with him. What if the bullet had hit somewhere else? You could have died!!"

Hoseok was now panting because of his outburst and tears were rolling down his cheeks. Yoongi was shocked. Nobody had ever done this to him before.

He was always the one with anger issues and who had random outbursts. That is why people were afraid of him. But today, it was different. Someone had just told him to shut up, just like that. And more importantly, he had liked it.

Before Yoongi could say anything, Hoseok started rambling again.

"And who the hell are you? Your card says CEO but I know for a fact that CEOs don't carry guns and they definitely don't know how to shoot and everything. So who are you? And before you decide to dodge and avoid, don't even try."

Yoongi looked at Hoseok and started smiling.
"What? What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You've been rambling for the past 5 minutes, which was cute by the way, and you had the guts to shout at me. You are worried about me. I like that."

"Well, ofcourse I am worried. You freaking got shot. Right in front of me. Thanks to you, I'll never forget that."

Yoongi looked at Hoseok and smiled. He tried to get up but failed and fell back in the bed again.

"What are you doing? You have to rest. You are not going anywhere."
"I know and I am going to rest. But I can't be in this position for even one more second. Can you please help?"

Hoseok looked unsure but still walked over and helped Yoongi get in a half sitting position. None of them said anything for a while. Yoongi kept staring at Hoseok's face.

"What? What is it?"
"I am still thinking how you got that bruise and how you avoided my question earlier."

Hoseok suddenly looked flushed.
*Or embarrassed?*

Suddenly tears started pooling in Hoseok's eyes. Yoongi came forward and took his hands in his.

"Hey, hey.. it's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Just remember that I am always here, no matter what. And to answer your earlier question, I am not going to dodge anything."

"You already saw a lot so I think it'd be better if you know things. But can we please talk about this after we get out of here? I hate hospitals." Yoongi pouted.

Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi's pout and nodded. He looked at Yoongi with affection. Suddenly his expression changed to a serious one. Yoongi noticed it.

"What happened?"

"When you got shot, I ran to catch you. The man in front of you was laughing. I saw a lot of blood coming around you and I couldn't think straight."

"So I took the gun from your hand and pointed it at that man. I was almost ready to shoot him. I think I would have shot him if you hadn't called my name."

"By the time I turned around again, the man was already gone. But now I remembered something. He said a name. I thought I just knew it but now I think he said it before leaving."

"Wait, what name?"
"Park Jimin."

Yoongi was stunned. He was so shocked that he kept staring at Hoseok with his mouth open.

"What? What is it? Who is Park Jimin?"

"My cousin.."

Aren't they both absolutely adorable??😭
Comment and vote if you think the same🥺

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