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Yoongi POV-

Hoseok is taking an awful lot of time in the bathroom. It had been more than thirty minutes. I was starting to get worried.

*Is he okay?*

Ahh, I knew I shouldn't have forced him to join this dinner. He was hesitant since the beginning but he came because I insisted.

I started wondering whether he was afraid of coming down again or having second thoughts about all this. I decided to check up on him.

I excused myself and walked up to my bedroom and the door was slightly ajar.

*Huh, that's weird. Did he fall asleep....?*

I pushed the door open and saw that there was no one inside.


I called out to him but there was no response. I checked in the bathroom but there was no one there either.


I called him a couple more times but still no response. I walked over to the closet, thinking he maybe changing out of the suit.

But there was no one there either.

I walked out and saw the bedroom window wide open. I walked over and looked down but there was no one there.

Now I was starting to get nervous.

I immediately called Jungkook and he came to my room, looking worried.

"What happened, hyung??"

"I can't find Hoseok anywhere. He's not here. I want you to tell everyone to find him in the mansion. I'll also go and search for him."

"Okay, hyung. I am on it.."

After a while, all of us came together in my office with failed attempts to find him. Seokjin was the first one to speak up.

"Are you sure he's not anywhere inside or outside the house?"

He looked at everyone and they shook their heads. He finally looked at me and I sighed.

"I'll go out and check. I know a few places he might have gone."

*Actually just one place..*

I drove to the beach and directly went to the place where we'd been a couple days ago.

I looked around but he wasn't there. I let out a frustrated sigh and went to the edge and sat down, legs down.

It was peaceful.

It was still dark and the moon was out. It shone on the sea water and the reflection looked like diamonds.

Suddenly something shiny caught my eye on the rock, a few metres away. I got up and went to pick it up.

It was a cufflink. In the shape of the letter H in cursive.

*He was here..*

Suddenly something came to my mind and I got up and drove back home.

I went straight to my room and to the study area.

There it was.

On the table.

An envelope.

With my name on it.

I took it with shaking hands and opened it. I took the piece of paper out and started reading it.

My Yoongi-ahh,
I probably won't be there by the time you find and open this letter. You'll probably be wondering where exactly I am right now seeing as I haven't been back.

I am sorry.

I never wanted it to come down to this.

When I told you that I love you, I meant it. But I realised that loving isn't always enough.

A few days ago, I got a call from an agency in Seoul, asking me to join them as a trainee. I know I should have probably given it up because I had so much with you.

I had you.

And that should have been enough for me. And in a way, it was. But somehow, it still wasn't.

I know I don't make any sense here but I don't know how to explain it to you. I said yes and now I am on my way to Seoul. I know I am a coward and you don't deserve me.

I don't when I'll be back or if I'll be back. I am sorry for everything. Please forget about me and I hope you can forgive me one day...

Yours, Hoseok.


I was stunned. I didn't know what to do and how to respond.

I was stuck in my place, unable to move and unable to think.

It felt like the ground beneath my legs had been cracked and ripped apart and I was falling in a deep abyss of darkness.

I suddenly lost control of myself and crashed to the ground.

I felt dizzy and tears were blurring my vision. I didn't even hear Jungkook walk in and rush to my side.

I broke out of my shock when I felt my shoulders being shook.

"Hyung...hyung!! What happened? Where is he?"

I didn't say anything. Instead I just handed him the letter and he read it and cursed.

"So he left?? Just like that?? Selfish bastard.."

"NO!! DON'T!!"

I suddenly found my voice and now I was glaring at Jungkook. 
"Don't you ever say that again, Min Jungkook.."

I couldn't control myself anymore. Jungkook quickly pulled me in for a hug and I cried on his shoulder for the rest of the night.


Five years later:-

"Where the hell is my damn ring??"
Hoseok shouted..


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