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Jungkook knew he wasn't supposed to be here. When his phone rang a couple hours ago, he was with Yoongi hyung.

But the moment he heard the voice on the other side, he couldn't resist it anymore.

So now, here he was, in Taehyung's bedroom, where he snuck in from the window. He could feel Tae's lips on his neck and a moan escaped his mouth.

He was breathing heavily when he looked sideways at Taehyung, who was now nibbling at his collarbone.

"Are you sure, it's okay that I am here? We could get caught you know and it won't end well.."

"Don't worry. The door is locked amd nobody really comes to this wing of the house except Namjoon hyung..."

"And that is okay because--?"
"Oh..he knows about us..I told him a long time back .."

Jungkook broke contact and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung gave him his cute boxy smile and before he could say anything, Taehyung captured his lips with a kiss.

"Stop worrying so much, baby. I know what I am doing..."

Taehyung said between kisses.
Jungkook melted instantly. He had a lot of lovers in the past.

But Tae did something to him. What started out as a fling turned into a full blown romance to the point that Jungkook couldn't control himself from falling anymore.

He loved this man in front of him with all his heart. But he laughed internally at the harsh truth of their lives.

They could never be together. Not atleast alive. And he couldn't keep this secret thing going on any longer. He wanted to show the world how much he loved this man in front of him.

On instinct, he pulled Tae closer and deepened the kiss. Taehyung gasped and gave out a soft whimper.

Jungkook loved hearing his soft little noises whenever he touched him. As he was about to go further, his felt something vibrate in his pocket.

It was his phone. He took out and saw the caller ID. It was Yoongi hyung. He was almost on the verge of answering when he kept it aside and continued kissing Taehyung.

"Don't you want to get that??"

"No...he can wait. I want to be here for now..with you.."

"But won't he get suspicious? You always say Yoongi is smart and catches on easy..."
"Yeah, he does..but maybe I don't care anymore..."

He said, softly kissing Tae's nose. He giggled at the touch. Jungkook's expression suddenly went serious and he sighed. Tae caught it and caressed his cheek.

"What is it?"

"I am tired of this, you know? I am tired of sneaking around with you. I want to take you out, show you off. But this rivalry between our families and everything.. it's just too much."

"Yeah, I know.."

Jungkook looked into Tae's eyes and gave him a sad look.

"And sometimes I feel like I let you down and you still love me. I don't know why.."

"Because there doesn't have to be any explanation as to why I love you. I just do.

"But what--?"

"The other day, I was almost on the verge of calling everything off...but Hoseok stopped me..and umm.. I told him everything.."

Jungkook was stunned. He couldn't believe Tae's words and most importantly, it hurt like hell..

"Why? you-do you not love me anymore--?"

Jungkook's voice broke because of the lump in his throat.

"No, I do. I really do. It's because I do is why I was going to break it off. I felt like I held you behind and that you weren't interested anymore. And on top of that, that whole shooting thing. I thought you blamed I just thought maybe you don't..."

Jungkook stopped him with a soft kiss.

"Never ever think that.. do you understand me??
I love you... please always remember matter what..okay??"

Taehyung looked at him with tears in his eyes and nodded.
"Okay, I'll remember.."

He smiled and hugged Jungkook tight. Suddenly his phone started ringing which was on the bedside table. He picked it up and saw the caller.

"It's Namjoon hyung.."

"Do you want to get that??"

"No, he can wait.."

He kept his phone aside and joined Jungkook in bed. He lifted his head up from his chest and stared at Jungkook.

"What is it?"

"Nothing..just wondering how you didn't panic when I said I told Hoseok everything about us.."

"Well, I did panic, internally. But the important thing was that you had such hurt.."

"Yeah, I know..but he stopped me..told me to fight for you.."

Jungkook gave a surprised look to Taehyung and pouted.

"So you are here because of Hoseok hyung? And not because you want to?"

Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's cute expression.

"No..I am here because he made me realize things..So yeah, I am going to fight for you.. whatever happens..."

Jungkook's eyes teared up a bit but he quickly composed himself. Taehyung's phone rang again and it was Namjoon again.

"Just pick up the phone, Tae and see what he wants..I am here.."

Taehyung slowly nodded and picked up the phone.


Jungkook couldn't hear the other side but by the way Tae's expressions changed, he knew something was horribly wrong.

Taehyung hung up after a couple of minutes and looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"It's Hoseok... he's been kidnapped.."

Hey guys,
How are y'all doing?
Stay safe..💜✨

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