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Hoseok POV-

I was sitting in the garden, listening to some music. After Namjoon and Seokjin left, Yoongi also had to go away because of some work.

I was alone so I decided to go out to garden, in the hopes of learning some choreography.

But before I could start, my phone rang.


"Hoseok? It's me, Ara. From YG Entertainment."

My heart sank at the call. I was almost expecting to never hear her voice.

"Oh, yes. Hello. How can I help you?"

"I was just calling you to inform you about the all the arrangements. Your travel arrangements and accomodations have been already made."

"Oh, I thought I was going to start Monday?"

"Umm, yes. Which is day after tomorrow."


I quickly checked the calendar and she was right. In all the events of the past few days, I had forgotten to check on the date or even the day.



I realized I was again silent on an ongoing call.

*Why do I keep doing this? (Face palm)*

"Oh, yes. Sorry. I am here. And thank you for calling me to inform me. Have you e-mailed me everything?"

"Yes. I have. You leave tomorrow night.."

"Wait, tomorrow night?"

I realized tomorrow was the dinner where Yoongi had invited everyone.


"Umm.. it's just.."

"What is it?"

"Actually I have something planned for tomorrow evening and night. Sort of a farewell thing. Is it possible to change the schedule a bit..?"

"Umm, let me check.."

I waited for her check as I waited with baited breath.

"Well..your meeting with the seniors isn't until noon on Monday. So maybe we can change tomorrow's flight to early Monday morning.."

"Yes, that is very convenient.."

"Okay, I'll book the Monday morning flight. But you will have to pay the cancellation fee.."

"That's okay. I'll pay it. Just mail me everything."

"Okay. I will."

"Thank you so much.."

With that, I hung up and my eyes teared up immediately.

I realised I was about to leave in two days and I hadn't talked to Yoongi about any of this.

*Maybe that's because I never really wanted to..*

That thought struck my mind. Did I never really want to talk to him about this?

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched slightly.

"Woah, I am sorry if I scared you.."

I turned to see Yoongi standing behind me with a smile on his face.

"Ahh, no. I was just lost in my thoughts and I didn't hear you come. Stay with me?"


Yoongi came and sat down beside me.

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