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Yoongi was sitting in his office, going through some paperwork when one of his men knocked on his office door. Yoongi yelled him to come and looked up to see a troubled expression on his face.

"What happened? Did you find anything on the breach at the dock yesterday?"
"Yes sir..I did. And you are not going to like it."
"Just tell me.."
"It was Kim Seokjin, sir.."

Yoongi was stunned. He couldn't react for a couple of seconds. He could feel his eyes burning with rage and his ears felt as if smoke was coming out of it. His expression quickly went from confusion to a chilly snarl. He couldn't control himself.

"What did you just say to me?"
The man in front of Yoongi started shaking at his expression and his tone.
"S-Sir, it-it w-was Kim Seokjin wh-who botched the de-deal."
Yoongi gave a disgusted look to the stammering man in front of him.

*Ahh..why do I have such people on my team..*

"Tell me everything right now..or I m going to put a bullet through your head right this instant. You are going to talk without stammering...DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Yoongi literally shouted the last words because he was not in control of his anger anymore. If it was up to him, he would go right now and kill each and everyone of the Kim gang without thinking twice. He didn't even have to listen to the story. He would just simply kill them all out of spite.
"Ye-yes Sir.."

Yoongi waited till the man stopped mumbling and stammering. But his patience level was at a peak. The next thing he knew, he had his gun in his hand and he had already pulled the trigger. It made a loud noise but nobody around the office dared to stop and look at the scene unfolding in front of them. The man in front of Yoongi, now laid dead on the carpet, blood oozing out of his skull. Yoongi was panting from the after effect of the adrenaline but when he looked at the body, he felt no remorse or guilt. He just blankly stared at him an unreadable expression until he heard Jungkook's voice near him..

Yoongi snapped out of his daze and looked at Jungkook.
"Hyung, you killed another one? He's the third one this week!!"
"I couldn't control myself!!"
"Is that the reason you are going to give one day if by chance you kill me or dad? Or worse your partner?"

Yoongi was dumbfounded at Jungkook's words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
*I would never kill them...would I?* Suddenly he heard his phone ping with a message. He took out his phone to check who it was. It was Hoseok.

Unknown: Hey, its me, Hoseok. This is my number and xxxx, this the address to my night school. Take care.

Yoongi's heart instantly melted. His expression changed from cold to happy in seconds. He was smiling like an idiot and staring at his phone when he heard someone clear their throat.

"Unless and until someone texted you that the entire Kim gang dropped dead on the spot mysteriously, I am really curious as to how you are finding a reason to smile that widely, given the situation here." He pointed at the body.

Yoongi looked up to Jungkook and gave a sheepish smile. He sighed and his expression turned serious
"You were right. I should really learn to control my anger.
Or else I am a threat to you and dad."

" are not a just have a lot of anger issues which you really need to work on. I always volunteer to help but you never take it seriously.

"Yes, you are right. I should really start taking this seriously."
Jungkook sighed and walked towards his elder brother and rubbed his back. Yoongi relaxed a bit and went back to sit on in his chair.
"So what is this deal with Kim Seokjin? What was this idiot going to tell me before I shot him?"

"Well it would have been better if you actually hadn't shot him...Anyway, last month, when we made a deal with the Italian mafia, we had secured the deal and the leader was really happy doing business with us. Until Seokjin went to him with a counter deal which offered him more money, more protection and more business. The leader, seeing so much, decided to change parties but somehow failed to inform us. On top of that, Seokjin spread rumours about our gang, about you."
"What kind of rumours?"

"That you are getting weak and that's why you are rounding up the smaller mafia families. For your protection."

"That's bullshit. Everyone knows why I am doing that.. it's time we stop small disputes and start focusing on bigger things.."

While saying this, Yoongi suddenly realised something. Seeing his brother's expression, Jungkook also realised what he was thinking.
" You don't think its what we think it is..right?"
"It's exactly what we are thinking.. There is a rat in our team.."
Yoongi gave out a frustrated sigh.
"No one other than you, me , dad and our close men knew about this peace treaties and also about the deal with the Italian mafia."
"Exactly.. that's what I was thinking how do we find out who it is?"

Yoongi was in deep thought and suddenly an idea popped into his head. He smirked.
"Jungkook, go and tell everyone inside the inner team that their boss has finally found the love of his life."
Jungkook was shocked to hear this.

"Its just a trick. To draw out the rat. The Kim gang, especially Kim Seokjin, always had his nose up my love life. If this gets out by tonight, then we'll definitely know who it is...
Because Seokjin will tell us himself" Yoongi smirked.

"What's tonight?"
"Tonight, I am going to meet Hoseok.."
Jungkook looked at his brother, confused.
"Oh..and also tell them the address where I will be meeting him."
"Sure, whatever you say, Hyung. But wait, does that mean he's really your love?
"Well.. not yet, but soon..."

Yoongi winked at Jungkook and walked out of the office while Jungkook murmured something about how creepy the winking was in the background.

It was almost evening and Yoongi had to go and pick up Hoseok. He decided to dress up a little. Not that he needed it. He looked good in everything, he knew that very well.

Once he was done, he drove to the address Hoseok had texted him and realized he was a bit early. So he decided to wait. Suddenly he saw a black car pull up behind him. He already knew this wasn't good. He got alert and checked who it was in the rear-view mirror. He couldn't believe who got out of the driver's seat.

It was Kim Seokjin.

Hey guys,
Why do you think Seokjin was there?
Tell me in the comments..and don't forget to vote..

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