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Yoongi POV-

I reached my dad's office, the letters in my hand. He was sitting on his chair, a drink in his hand.

"What more have you been hiding from us?"

My voice made him flinch a bit and he looked up. He gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

I threw the letter bunch on the table and he came forward to look at them.

"I am talking about these. That's mom's handwriting."

Dad took the bunch in his hand and read them.

"These are addressed to Kim. I don't know anything about these, son."

"Are you sure? Or is it one of your lies, again?"

"Yes, I am sure. I don't know what this is about. Who gave you these?"

"Seokjin had these. And he's in my office, right now, wanting to talk to us. All of us. His family and our family."

Dad looked stunned. I could see his face change from complete confusion to a faint recognition.

"Oh my god.."

I sighed.

"What is it now?"

"I am not sure. But I have an idea. I never wanted to believe it. But now, seeing these letters and then your mom going to him the day she died definitely has some connection."

"What kind of connection?"

Dad looked at me and gave me a tired sigh.

"There was something going on between your Mom and him."

"What??! How can you say that? How can you accuse Mom like that?"

"Do you have any other explanation? You are seeing the letters. You know it's your mom's handwriting. And you can also see they are addressed to Kim.."

"But... it's still not right... to make assumptions....about this.."

Dad got up from his seat and walked over to me, gulping down his drink.

"Let's go and see what Kim Seokjin has to tell us.."


Yoongi and his dad reached his office to see everyone else already waiting for them. Jungkook walked over, as soon as he saw them enter.

"Hyung, what's going on? What does he have to talk to us about..?"

"Even I don't know the whole story, Jungkookie. Let's go and see.."

They all walked towards the table and took whatever seats they could find.

They all looked at Seokjin, desperately waiting for him to say something.


Yoongi was the first one to speak up.

"So, what did you want to talk to all of us about? And what are these?"

He held up the bunch to show Seokjin. Seokjin sighed and rubbed his temples.

"That is proof. Of what I am going to tell you now is true and that I am not using or making any of this up just to get the upper hand or something."

Seokjin looked at all of them and finally his eyes rested on Namjoon.
"Namjoon-ahh, remember, whatever happens, you are still my brother and I would do anything for you."

"What do you mean, hyung?"

Instead of answering, Seokjin scanned the room and found Mr. Min.

"Did you know that your wife was having an affair with my dad?"

Everybody was stunned. But no one more than Mr. Min himself.

He kept staring at Seokjin as if he had grown two heads, unable to respond.

"You are lying.."

Everybody turned to the owner of the voice. It was Jungkook. Seokjin gave out a long sigh and looked at Jungkook.

"I wish I was lying. And trust me, when I came to know about this, it took me a few years to get used to it.

I didn't even believe it for a long time.

But a couple of years ago, I found those letters. I couldn't recognize the handwriting but when I read them, things started to link together--"

Yoongi cut him of with a question.

"Wait, years? What years? What are you talking about? How long have you known this?"

"Since my father died. He told me about this a few days before he died. I didn't believe it then because I thought he was not well and just blabbering. Then I took over the family and followed what my father had taught me. Hate the Min family. And I did it. Just to honour his legacy. But when I found and read those, everything started to make sense. Why my father told me to hate your family. Why he won't tell me anything whenever I used to ask him the reason of the rivarly. He would just say it's been going on for generations and that I am the next one to carry it ahead---"

This time, it was Namjoon who cut him off with a question.

"So, it's not been going on since generations? It's just them?"

Seokjin looked at Namjoon and nodded.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi looked at each and realized this was true.

Everybody turned to look Mr. Min, who was now embarrassed to even make eye contact with all of them.

Surprisingly, the first one to speak up was Hoseok.

"So you are telling me, the rivarly between both of your families was actually because of a girl and not some deep betrayal in the past?"

Seokjin looked at Hoseok, slightly impressed and nodded.

"Yes. Our grandparents were never actually rivals. Infact they were good friends."

Hoseok couldn't control his curiosity anymore.

"So wait, if you knew about all this and why this is happening..why did you still maintain a hate relationship with Yoongi and his family? You knew all of this had no point and you still hated on him.."

"That--that wasn't---"

Seokjin was stuttering and that was a first for everyone, including Namjoon and Taehyung.

They'd never seen their brother clueless and helpless like this before.

They both walked over to him and gave him a hug. Namjoon assured him.

"Hyung, whatever it is, tell us. It's okay. Let's just not keep anymore secrets with each other. Whatever it is, I am sure we'll be able to handle it.."

Seokjin looked at his brother and his eyes started tearing up.

"Namjoon-ahh, please don't hate me for this. I know I should have told you this a long time ago. But everytime I decided to tell you or approach this topic, I just couldn't do it."

"Hyung, what are you talking about?"

Now, Seokjin's whole attention was on Namjoon. He didn't bother to acknowledge anyone else in the room.

"About your parents....our mom was not your real mom, Namjoon-ahh.."

Namjoon gave him a confused look. Seokjin continued.

"Your real parents are Dad and Yoongi's mom..."


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