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Hoseok heard voices outside the door and he walked over to the door to get a clearer idea.

It was a bedroom door so it obviously didn't have a peep hole.

He put his ears on the door to listen in.  He couldn't hear much and suddenly the voices died down.

He sighed and was about to walk away from the door when it opened.

He turned around to see who it was and he was so stunned that he stumbled back in his step.

He couldn't say anything. No words came out of his mouth and he just kept staring at him.

Yoongi walked a little closer to Hoseok and smiled sheepishly.

"Umm, Hi..and look um, before you say or ask anything, I know I made a mistake and you were righ--"

Hoseok cut him off by throwing himself on Yoongi and hugging him tight. Yoongi was stunned and didn't know what to do.

"For once in your life, please stop talking and hug me back, idiot.."

Yoongi chuckled at his words and hugged him back, equally tight.

They stayed like that for a while until they heard a throat clearing.

"Um, not to break this cute reunion or anything but we have to get out of here.."

Both Yoongi and Hoseok broke the hug and looked back at the voice.

It was Namjoon. Hoseok looked at him in confusion.

"Um, who are you?"

"Oh, sorry. Hi. I am Kim Namjoon.."

Hoseok didn't have to listen to anymore to know exactly who is.

"Are you here to take your shot at kidnapping me?"

Yoongi chuckled at the statement and looked over at Namjoon with a smirk only to find Namjoon narrowing his eyes at the both of them.

"No, MR. JUNG, I am not here to do anything like that. I helped Yoongi to rescue you, which technically we haven't done yet because you both can't get enough of each other..."

Before any of them could say anything, they heard a slight knock at the window. Yoongi and Namjoon's hands instantly went for their guns and Yoongi pushed Hoseok behind him.

Namjoon walked over cautiously to the window and opened it, only to find Jungkook and Tae hanging by the railing.

"Do you mind?"

Jungkook stretched a hand and Namjoon pulled him up.

Jungkook did the same for Tae but he refused and climbed in on his own.

Jungkook sighed and walked in the room only to find Yoongi and Hoseok staring at him.


Hoseok came forward and hugged Jungkook.

"I didn't know I could miss you this much. I barely know you."

"It's okay, hyung. I am happy to see you too. But a question. Why didn't you try to escape through the window??"

Yoongi's ears perked up immediately and he waited for Hoseok to answer.

"Ohh, um, I--umm..I am scared of heights.."

Hoseok ended with a nervous chuckle. By then Taehyung had already joined the group and he gave out a loud sigh.

"Well, now that's going to be a problem. Because that's our only way out.."

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