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Yoongi and Hoseok walked inside and Hoseok started walking towards his room.

Yoongi stopped him and turned him around, facing each other.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"Um, to my room? That is, well--um-- if you still have it.."

"Ofcourse, I have kept it intact but you are not sleeping there. You are coming with me, to my room. I am not letting you stay away from me for even a second now."

With this, Yoongi pulled him towards his bedroom.

"Wait, your bedroom? Where will we sleep then?"

"You can take the bed, I'll take the couch. Its big enough to fit me.."


"No, no buts. Just..come on.."

They both entered his bedroom and Hoseok looked around, staring in awe.

"You didn't lie when you said you like aesthetic things.."

But Yoongi wasn't listening. All he could think was, the man he loved, with his everything, was standing right in front of him, safe and without any scratch.

He walked behind Hoseok and hugged him from behind. He smelt of vanilla and sweat.

Yoongi inhaled his scent amd buried his face in Hoseok's back.

"I am never letting you go. You are mine.."

When Hoseok heard these words, he was supposed to feel contended and good.

But all he felt was a burden. He brushed aside his thoughts and feelings and turned around to face Yoongi.

He circled his arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Hoseok looked into Yoongi's eyes and saw nothing but love in them.

*He loves me. What if I can't give it back to him the way he deserves it?*

He decided to stop thinking so much and just be there for the man standing in front of him.

Hoseok looked around and realized he doesn't have any of his stuff.

"I don't have any of my stuff. I think we left it back at the farmhouse or I don't know where my bag disappeared.."

"It's okay. We can get new."

Hoseok looked at him with a weird expression.

"You do know we are talking about a whole new wadrobe, right?"

Yoongi looked at him innocently as if all this was normal for him.

"Yeah, I know.."

Hoseok sighed and went and took a seat on the bed.

Yoongi sat beside him and there was silence in the room.



Both of them started talking at the same time and Yoongi smiled
"You go first.."

Hoseok nodded and turned to look at Yoongi.

"Why did you risk your life to come and save me from there? What if something would have happened to you?"

Yoongi smiled at his concern and slipped his hand into Hoseok's.

"Because I love you, Jung Hoseok. And I know we've only known each other for a short period of time but I love you. It drives me crazy when you are not around. I feel my heart soar whenever you care or worry about me. Just looking at you makes me feel peace. When I saw you in that room, you have no idea how relieved I was. If, by any chance, I would have found you with even a tiny scratch, I would have turned the world upside down to find the person responsible..."

Hoseok was listening to this, stunned to his place, not knowing what to do and how to respond.

Yoongi caught his hesitation and pulled Hoseok closer.

"I know this is a lot to take in and I am sorry to put it on you like this. But I needed you to know.."

Hoseok nodded and looked in Yoongi's eyes.

Something stirred inside him and his eyes dipped lower, to Yoongi's lips.

Before Yoongi could say anything, Hoseok placed his lips on Yoongi's, softly.

His lips were soft and Hoseok couldn't resist himself anymore. His hand slipped behind Yoongi's neck and he deepened the kiss.

A soft moan escaped his lips and Hoseok smiled in the kiss. He took this chance and pushed him back, laying on top of him, without breaking the kiss.

He could hear small whimpers from Yoongi's mouth and he slipped his tongue in. He could feel Yoongi's hand on his sides, slowly trying to reach his ass and pull him closer.

After a while, Hoseok broke the kiss, for air and now they were lying next to each other, holding hands. Yoongi was the first one to speak up.

"You know, you don't have to say it back to me."

Hoseok turned his head towards Yoongi and gave him a confused look.

"About what?"

"About everything. Whatever I said or told you earlier. I don't want to rush you. I want you to take your time and only tell me when you really and sincerely feel it. Till then, I am always here. I'll wait for you forever, Hoseok if that's how much time it takes for you to reciprocate.."

Hoseok felt his eyes tear up and he cursed himself for not reciprocating to this beautiful man right in front of him.

He felt guilty. Instead of saying anything, he just slipped under Yoongi's arms and rested his head on his chest, tears now flowing freely.

They stayed like that for a long time until Yoongi spoke up.

"You should freshen up. Are you hungry?"

"No, I just want to sleep. So freshening up sounds good..Umm do you have anything that I could wear? I can't really sleep in jeans.."

Yoongi nodded and walked over to his closet and pulled out a sweatshirt and some sweat pants.

He walked over to Hoseok and handed him the clothes.

"These will fit you..."

"Yeah, I'll be right back.."

Yoongi nodded and Hoseok walked inside the bathroom and freshened up.

He changed into Yoongi's clothes and they smelt like him. He hugged himself and smiled.

*You won't have to wait forever, Min Yoongi..*

Hoseok walked out and saw that Yoongi was already settled on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

He got inside the blanket and smiled at the view in front of him.

"You are staring.."

Yoongi chuckled and Hoseok snapped out of his daze. He quickly recovered and turned his back to Yoongi, pretending to be alseep.

He heard Yoongi give a small laugh. But sleep did not come easy for Hoseok.

He tossed and turned and ended up staring at the ceiling. He looked over at Yoongi and contemplated his next actions.


Yoongi didn't answer back.


Yoongi flinched a little and stirred in his sleep.


"Yeah, sorry for waking you up this late at night..."

"What's wrong? Are you okay??"

"I can't sleep...So I"


"Do you, maybe, want to cuddle? Only if it's okay with you...."

Yoongi gave a small chuckle sat up on the couch. He got up and joined Hoseok in bed.

"I thought you'd never ask..."

Ahhh, why is this cutee😭😭😭

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