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Taehyung POV-

I was alone in the dining room, waiting for Jungkook to join me.

Yes. I stayed over.

At his place.

With him.

I heard some footsteps outside the door and I peeped outside the door, expecting it to be Jungkook.

But it was Yoongi. I sighed and sunk back into my seat. He walked in and was taken aback a bit, clearly not expecting me to see here. I gave a nervous smile.

"Does Seokjin know you are here or that you stayed over?"

I gave him a nervous laugh.

"Um, no. I know I should not have stayed over. But Jungkook..."

"I am fine with it. I was just talking about your brother.."

"Ahh, it's okay. Namjoon hyung knows how to handle Jin hyung.."

Yoongi nodded and brought his coffee to the table and sat down.

There was silence for a while until Yoongi spoke up.

"If it's ever a choice between your family and Jungkook, would you choose him?"

I looked up at him, a little surprised by his question.

"Depends on how much his family is accepting.."

He looked at me with a blank expression. Suddenly, his face broke into a small smile and he nodded.

"That's a clever answer.."

Before we could talk more, Jungkook walked in and gave us a weird expression when he saw us talking.

He walked over to me and kissed my hair.

"Hey.. you ready to go?"

"What about breakfast?"

"We'll see about that outside. Come on.."

He smiled at me and a blush crept up my cheeks. Jungkook looked over at his hyung and caught him smiling.


Yoongi covered his smile.


"We don't have anything planned today, right?"

"No, you can go. I'll handle everything.."

Jungkook nodded and ran over to his hyung and gave him a tight hug.

I watched them, a constant smile on my face. After he broke the hug, Yoongi looked at me and gave a small smile. I nodded.

"I won't keep him away for too long, Yoongi.."

He looked at me while sipping on his coffee.

"It's hyung for you now.."


Hoseok was still in bed when his phone rang. He looked around for his phone and found it on the night stand.

He was still sleepy when he picked up the call.


"Is this Jung Hoseok?"

"Yes, it's me, May I know who you are?"

"My name is Ara and I am calling you from YG Entertainment. Did you sign up for our trainee program?"

He was wide awake now.

"Um yes, but that was weeks ago. They were at my school to conduct auditions. But I never heard back from them so I thought I didn't get selected."

"Actually, the program started only a few days ago and one of our trainees just quit. So there's an open spot for a dancer in the program. Are you interested in joining?"

Hoseok couldn't believe what his ears were listening to.

He had been waiting for this opportunity for so long that when he saw Yoongi enter the bedroom with a wide smile, he didn't hesitate or stop even after seeing him.

He mouthed a 'Hi' at Yoongi and he came and sat down beside him, on the bed.


Hoseok realised he was silent on an ongoing call.

"Oh yes. I am here. Yes, I'd be happy to join. When do I start?"

"Next Monday. Also, because you are not from Seoul, you will have to share a room with two other guys."

"Yes, okay.."

"I'll email you everything. Thank you."

"Yeah, Thank you.."

With that, he hung up the phone, still staring at the screen. He couldn't believe what he just did. He looked up to see Yoongi looking at him with adoration and a warm smile.

He couldn't help but think that maybe, indirectly, he broke them.

He never wanted to hurt Yoongi. Infact he wanted to stay and love this man, who was sitting in front of him, ready to give him the world.

But his love for dance came in between and he couldn't stop himself.

He had always wanted to dance. But right now, he couldn't help but think he made a selfish decision.

He came back to his senses when he felt a jolt on his shoulder and he heard Yoongi call his name.

"Hoseok? Hoseok? Babe?"

"Oh um yeah? Were you saying something?"

"I was just asking what you want to do today..."

"Ahh, okay. Anything is fine with me. Whatever you want to do.."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay...Are you okay? You seem a little lost. Was it the phone call?"

Hoseok was stunned and struggled to respond.

*I don't want to lie to him but also I don't want to hurt him. Why is everything so complicated?*

"Oh, no. I am okay. The phone call was about a random job offer at some cafe. That reminded me I have to quit my previous job too. So just thinking about that.."

He really hated himself for lying to Yoongi with a straight face.

He saw him get up from the bed to leave and called out to him, immediately.

Yoongi turned around to face Hoseok.

"What is it, love?"

"Where are you going?"

"I am giving you time to freshen up. Then come down so we can have breakfast together."

Yoongi said with a smile. Hoseok felt more guilty. He nodded, a fake smile plastered over his face when suddenly an idea crossed his mind.

"Actually, there's a place I want to show you. Can we go??"

Yoongi looked at him with a surprised look.

"Um sure. What place?"

"You'll know when we get there. It's beautiful. I think you will like it..."

What just happened 😶

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