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After Hoseok walked out of the gym, he couldn't control himself anymore. He broke down. He broke down right there.

Right now all he could think about was to get as far away as possible from this place. He quickly made his way to his room and packed his bag.

He left immediately, not knowing where to go and what to do. He walked around for a while and finally came across a deserted hilltop. The hilltop overlooked the city and it was a beautiful view.

He went and sat there, admiring the view.

*This is a place where I would take Yoongi for a date...its calm and deserted and there's no one around to interrupt..*

He looked around and suddenly spotted a black car, a little away from him.

*Huh.. that wasn't there before..*

He looked at the car and instantly knew something was wrong. He felt suspicious and he started looking for an escape.

But there were no people around and no places to hide either. He slowly started getting up and picked up his bag. He started walking in the opposite direction of the car, praying very hard that it won't follow him.

But as usual, his prayers unanswered, he soon heard the sound of the engine turning on and the wheels on the uneven road.

He started walking faster, hoping anyone or anywhere, he might find help or an escape. He suddenly came to a dead end and turned around to see a huge man in black and that was the last thing he remembered seeing.


Taehyung took Jungkook by his hand and led him out of the door. Jungkook jerked back and stood just by the door and stared at Tae.

"What, aren't you coming? He needs our help.."

"What you doing? You just taking me outside the room, just like that? What if someone sees us?"

"Oh.. don't worry, the only people in this wing are me and Namjoon hyung. None of the guards ever come here and not even Jin hyung himself. So we are safe.."

Jungkook looked at Tae, still unsure about this. Taehyung walked back to the door and brushed Jungkook's cheek.

"I know how you feeling. But it's okay, really.."

Jungkook slowly nodded and walked out of the room, his hand still in Tae's.

They both walked through a hallway and reached a door. When Tae knocked, he heard a faint 'come in'.

He opened the door and they both walked in. Jungkook had seen Namjoon, only once, years ago, when his hyung took over their father. He looked at the man sitting behind the desk and instead of feeling intimidated and threatened, he felt at peace.

The man looked up from his papers when Taehyung called for him and smiled at his little brother.

"Ahh, are here.."

Taehyung nodded and looked back at Jungkook.

"Hyung, you remember Jungkook?"

Taehyung pulled him a bit ahead so that he was more visible. Namjoon got up from his seat and walked over to where they were both standing.

"Yes, I remember. Hello Jungkook.."

He stretched his hand in front of Jungkook and Jungkook gave him a confused look.

Namjoon instantly realized the question in his eyes and gave him a warm smile.

"I know what you are thinking. And to answer your question, no, I don't believe or like the way things are between our families. Its been very messy and unnecessary all these years."

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