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Yoongi was shocked to hear that name from Hoseok's mouth. Park Jimin. Of all the people it could've been, it had to be him?

And why would he even try to sabotage me?
*I thought we were family.*

Yoongi immediately started looking for his phone.
"What are you looking for?"
"My phone. I need to call Jungkook. Right now. Without. Wasting. Any. Time."

As Yoongi put pressure on each word, Hoseok realised its importance.
"Relax, its right there on the night stand beside the bed."

Yoongi looks over and smiles sheepishly. He takes his phone and calls Jungkook.

Hoseok starts getting up to give him some privacy but Yoongi holds him back with his wrist and mouths a 'Stay'.

Hoseok smiles and nods.

"Jungkook, listen to me very carefully. I need you to find out how Jimin was behind the Italian deal going south. I have a feeling it's something more than that. And gather all the necessary information needed. If he's in any kind of trouble, we need to help him."

Jungkook replies back and Yoongi cuts the call. He looks up at Hoseok with a worried expression on his face only to find him looking at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"What happened? Why are you looking at me like that??"
"Um, its just, I know I have no idea about the situation here but by the looks of it, this Jimin guy did something against you or betrayed you and you are still helping him?"

Yoongi sighs.
"Jimin has been family since forever. Ever since we lost our uncle and him his father, my father has always taken care of him and his mom. They really don't have anyone else other than us. And we know him. He is not the kind of person you are thinking he is. I think he's just misguided. And I hope I am not proved wrong."

A sudden yawn escaped Yoongi's lips.

Hoseok chuckles.
"You should get some sleep. That wound is not going to heal itself."

Hoseok stood up to give Yoongi time to sleep.
"Where are you going? Please don't go."
"I am right here, just going to lay down on the couch."

Hoseok smiled and kissed Yoongi's forehead. He drifted of to sleep almost immediately.

*Yoongi woke up to find utter darkness around him. He was not in the hospital nor in his bed. He was confused. He looked around him but there was just pure darkness. Suddenly he saw someone walking towards him from a distance. He got up and started walking towards the figure. He got a bit closer to find out that it was his mom.
"Mom? Mom??"
The figure just looked at him with a blank expression.
"Mom? Is that you?"
The figure didn't say anything and started walking away. Yoongi followed her but the path never seemed to end.
The figure turned around and he saw that she had tears running down her face.
"None of you came to save me. I died alone." She whimpered.
"I know, Mom, i know and we are so sorry about that." Yoongi was almost on the verge of crying.
"You killed me. It was because you all that I died. And now, because of you, you will lose him too.."
Saying this, the figure started walking further. But Yoongi didn't follow her. He was stunned. Someone had just told him his worst nightmare. That someone being his own mother.
"Mom, wait..we are sorry, I am sorry, I didn't save you..."
But the figure kept walking away and Yoongi kept running behind her...*

Yoongi woke up to someone shaking his shoulders vigorously and calling his name. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

He was back in his hospital bed, surrounded by monitors. Hoseok was standing right beside his bed, looking at him with a panicky expression.

"Hey..what happened? You were whimpering and sweating and and then you were shouting 'Mom'..Did you have a nightmare?"
Yoongi didn't respond. Instead he kept staring at Hoseok.

"Because of you, you will lose him too.." His mother's words kept ringing in his head.

Before he could respond, Jungkook burst into the room, panting. Yoongi and Hoseok both turned around to see Jungkook, who was in a shock.

"Hyung, they have his mother..they fucking have his mother.."
He just rambled on, making absolutely no sense.
"Jungkook, you are not making any sense. Would you please start from the beginning?"

"Hyung, it was Jimin who told Seokjin about our deal and also about Hoseok hyung. And also a lot about other things. Your peace treaties with the smaller mafia families and everything. That's how Seokjin knew what you were doing and what you were offering. Jimin definitely has an informant in our inner circle and I think I know who it is."

Before Jungkook could continue, a gasp from Hoseok made both of them look at him.
"Mafia families?"


"Hoseok, I can explain. Would you please give me a chance?"

Hoseok looked both shocked and scared at the same time. He started breathing heavily and was going into panic mode. Before Yoongi could say anything, Hoseok ran out of the room. 

Hey everyone,
What do you think so far?
What is Hoseok hiding?
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