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It was one of those quiet days at the cafe. Not a lot of rush nor a lot of customers. Hoseok had been working only for an hour and he was already bored. He was thinking about closing the cafe early because no one would really mind.

He checked his phone and saw that he still had the entire morning left. He sighed and went behind the counter and started cleaning. His mind went back to last night and the guy he had seen. *What was his name again?..ahh yes Yoongi..*

For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about him. His hands. His smirk. Him.. His heart wanted him to stay a bit longer in the bar just so he could spend some with him but his brain told him to do the exact opposite. *I wonder if I'll ever meet that guy again*. Suddenly the bell at the door chimed and Hoseok turned around to greet the customer.

"Hi, welcome to The Blue Ber--"
Hoseok stopped mid sentence. The guy standing in front of him was none other than Yoongi. He was in black skinny jeans with a leather jacket on top. His hair was a mess and he was wearing shades. Hoseok couldn't help but drool a little. Yoongi smirked at his expression. Hoseok was stunned but he quickly recovered and got back to his job.
"Hi, welcome to The Blue Berry Cafe. What can I get you?"
"Oh, a black coffee and whatever you drink."
"A black coffee and whatever...wait what?? Why would you order something that I drink?"
"Isn't it obvious? I am buying you coffee.."
"I am sorry, but I cannot accept it. And did you know where I worked? There are dozens of coffee shops in this area and you just happen to enter mine....? Thats a bit of a stretch.. isn't it?"
"You are really smart..I like that. And no.. ofcourse I didn't just happen to walk into ur shop. I have your file that contains all the information.."
"MY FILE?? Are you a stalker??? Stay away from me. I can fight you know.." Hoseok got into a fight position with his eyes big and his lips forming a pout.

Yoongi chuckled at his expressions. *He looks cute when he is all flustered and out of words.*
"Who the hell are you?" Hoseok was getting curious now and also a bit scared.
"Well I'll tell you if you say yes to my coffee."
"Okay. Suit yourself."
Soon Yoongi's coffee was done and Hoseok poured it in a to-go cup and Yoongi paid for it. Hoseok was getting restless and nervous because somewhere inside him he wanted to say yes. He wanted to keep meeting this guy in front of him.
*But i don't know anything about him and plus he just told me he has like a file on me or something. Isn't it creepy?*

Hoseok thought to himself. *Well Hoseok only one way to find out.* Hoseok watched the man take his coffee and as he was about to walk through the door, Hoseok called out to him.
"Wait..Mr. Yoongi.."
Yoongi turned around and saw Hoseok run towards him, as if desperate.
"Umm..are you free tonight?"
Yoongi smiled because he knew where this was going. He looked Hoseok in the eyes and found himself drowning in them.
*How does this guy have so much effect on me. Most people would pay money to get even a normal reaction out of me..*

Yoongi wanted to say no to his question because he knew how this would go. He knew this one would run away too once he finds out what and who Yoongi is exactly. He hesitated a bit before answering.
"Is that supposed to be a trick question? Because you just said no a couple of minutes ago."
Yoongi waited for him to answer because honestly he wanted this one to stay and if it was just going to go to waste, he'd rather not get into this..
It's been a long time since Yoongi genuinely liked someone. His business and his world didn't allow it.
"I know I said no but I am curious. I am not asking you out."

Yoongi's heart sank a little but he didn't show it. He sighed and went ahead to open the door when he felt a hand on his wrist.
"I am not asking you out because I am not good at that stuff. But i think i would like to get to know you more..if that's okay with you."
Yoongi smiled and reached into his pocket to took out a business card and gave it to Hoseok.
"Text me the address where you study at night. I'll pick you up. Don't take the bus."
"Aren't you supposed to know the address already? Don't you have a file?"
"Ofcourse I have the address. But a text would be better.."

Yoongi winked at Hoseok and walked out of the coffee shop. Hoseok couldn't help but smile like an idiot behind his back.

*I am already deep into this.. aren't I?*

Hoseok can't get any more adorable than this...😣😣
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