21 4 5

Hoseok walked out of the bar, more determined but less sure.

He kept walking aimlessly and finally he saw a random bench and sat down. He had a lot to think about.

He just kept staring at the moving cars.

After a while, he heard a voice.
"Is this seat taken?"

Hoseok looked over and saw an old man standing beside the bench.

"Ohh no, by all means, please sit down."
"I actually can't stand for a long time."
"I understand.."

After a few moments of silence, Hoseok sighed and checked his phone.

It had 6 missed calls and a lot of messages from his father.

*Guess I'll have to deal with it, once and for all.*

With the thought of dealing with his father, Hoseok started panicking and got restless.

Millions of thoughts about a lot of things started running through his mind.

*What exactly do I want to do?*

Hoseok kept thinking. He suddenly heard a voice beside him, asking him a question.

"Are you okay, son?"

He looked over and saw the same old man looking at him, worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah. I am fine. Its just stuff."

A bus came up and the old man stood up to board the bus.

But before he could board it, he turned around and called out to Hoseok,
"Son, whatever it is, always listen to your heart."

With that he boarded the bus and the bus drove away. Hoseok couldn't help but replay his words in his head.

*Listen to my heart? What does it want?*

In an instant, he knew the answer.

He got up from the bench, with new determination, towards the one place he hoped he'd never have to walk again.

His father's house.

When he reached there, he didn't bother knocking. He just went in and straight to his room.

He took out a small bag and started filling it with clothes and other essentials.

He had no idea what he was doing or where he was going to go. But he knew he had to do this.

Suddenly he heard his father's shout and he came by his room.

Hoseok turned around and saw that his father was fuming. But he didn't care.

He kept packing his bag and once he was done, he started walking out of the room.

"Where do you think you are going? You are not going to leave this place. I'll lock you up if I have to."

Hoseok seemed unbothered.

He just walked past his father and was about to get out of the door when his father yanked him back by his shirt.

"Listen here, you piece of shit, I am not going to tolerate your nonsense. When I said you are staying here, means you are staying here. And you don't---"

Hoseok wasn't listening. He was just focusing and thinking about getting out of here once and for all.

"Let me go."

His father didn't listen. He just kept going on and on.

Finally Hoseok lost it.

"LET ME THE FUCK GO!! I won't ask you this again. And don't push me to do something I'll regret..."

His father was stunned. He was not expecting Hoseok to raise his voice or answer back. His father let go and took a step back.

"I am leaving. And never coming back. Don't even bother to threaten me anymore. I don't care. And stay the fuck away from me."

With this, he walked out of the house and walked a few steps until he came up to a bus stop again.

He sat down and sighed.

All the adrenaline from before was wearing off and he felt dizzy.

He didn't believe what he just did.

*I just stood up for myself. Something I've been trying to do for is this possible?*

As the effect starting wearing off, Hoseok started coming back to reality.

He realized he barely had any money on him. And he didn't even have a house or place to live in.

His job sucked and didn't pay enough for expenses. He gave out a frustrated sigh and screamed out.

*I really did not think this through..*

He looked up and saw that it was almost early morning.

He checked his phone and realized, he had to be at work in about an hour.

He sighed and got up. He decided to walk to the cafe hoping it'll help him clear his mind.

He reached the cafe and started working like always.
But today he was distracted.

While tending to the customers, all he could think was about the incident this morning.

*I really have no place to go back to..nor do I have a lot of money to rent a place or something..*

He decided to go back to work and think about these things later.

It was almost evening when he finished work and it was time for him to go to school.

He was thinking whether he should go or not when a thought came to his mind.

*If I stood up to my father today, might as well do everything once and for all and rip the bandage off, forever..*

He took a bus to his school and instead of walking to his class, he walked straight to the office and informed the office head that he's dropping out of school.

The office head looked at him, shocked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup, never been this sure about anything in my life.."

The office head sighed and gave him a form to fill and made the necessary arrangements.

When everything was done, Hoseok walked out of the gate, feeling anxious but free.

It was almost night time. He walked to a nearby park and sat down on the bench.

He started thinking about what he could do now.
He began to feel weak and wondered if he made the right choices.

Suddenly, something came to his mind but he hesitated.

*No.. that's not right..I can't be a burden..*

His mind told him it wasn't right but his heart told him to give it a try.

He anyway had nothing to lose.

He sighed. He took out his phone and called a number. The person on the other side picked up on the second ring.

" don't really know how to ask this..but um can I come and stay with you..??"

Hey guys,
I would love to know what you guys think about the story so don't be silent readers..come up and tell me in the comments..
And don't forget to vote while you are at it..!

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