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As Hoseok ran out, Yoongi was about to get off from his bed to chase after him but Jungkook stopped him.

Yoongi looked at him with confusion.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping me? Just let me go after him."

"No, hyung. That's not going to work. He's hurt and confused right now and it looked like he obviously had reasons for it."

"Yeah, the reason being that I am a gang leader and he's a normal human being. What else can it be? He's obviously afraid of me."

Jungkook sighed and looked at his hyung with worries eyes.

"Actually, thats not the reason.."

"What? What do you mean? Do you know something, Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked at me, hesistating and confused.

I understood. He was debating whether it is safe or not to tell me the actual reason.

I beckoned him to come closer.

"I promise, I won't be mad. Even if its really bad, I'll take it calmly and try to control my anger."

"Are you sure, hyung?"


"Okay. Actually Hoseok ran away because I think he's not afraid of you but he hates the mafia altogether."

"Well, thats obvious. Everybody does."

"No, he has an actual reason. His mother was killed by a gang leader."

Yoongi was stunned. He looked at Jungkook with wide eyes because he didn't know how to respond.


"Yes, hyung. His mother was killed by a gang leader. And it was none other than Seo-joon Uncle..."

This was the last straw for Yoongi. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to control himself from lashing out.

But it was hard.

*Park Seo-joon, seriously?*

He breathed in and out a couple of times to calm himself down.
He looked at Jungkook and sighed.

"Do you think he'll come back?"

"I can't say for sure hyung. But if you really believed in him and whatever you guys shared, then have faith in it."

Yoongi smiled at Jungkook's words.

"Look at you, when did you grow up this much?"

Jungkook smiled but his expression suddenly turned serious again. Yoongi caught it and asked him what more was there.

"You remember I told you it was Jimin who was ratting out to Seokjin? About all our plans and deals?"

"Yes, I remember. And I told you he wouldn't do anything without reason. So what is it?"

"Seokjin has kidnapped his mother, hyung and is blackmailing Jimin for information. I tried to search but we don't even know how long she has been gone for. Nobody knows where she's kept and how she is."

Yoongi sighed.

*How long has Jimin being going through this? And why hasn't he said anything?*

"And what about the informant inside the circle?"

"It's Jimin's bodyguard who has been working as a guard with us for a while now."

"I should have been more careful. I was the one to hire him. I should have gone deeper."

"Hey, look, everybody makes mistakes. The important point is you understood yours and cleaned it up."

"It's okay. Now get me out of here. I can't stay here any longer."

"And plus we have a lot of work to do.."

Jungkook laughed and nodded.

He made a few calls and after a while, a nurse came in to inform him he's been discharged.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind and he asked the nurse if he could get a pen and some paper.

The nurse nodded and went and got him them.

He decided to leave a note for Hoseok, in case he came back to the hospital.

"I know you are upset right now and you have every right to be. But please give me one chance to explain. If after that you don't want to be with me, you can walk away. If you do decide to give me a chance, come back to the club where we first met. I'll wait for you."


He gave the note at the reception and prayed for Hoseok to get it.

*I do hope you come and give me another chance, Hoseok..*

Hey guys,
How did y'all first become armies??
Tell me in the comment section..
And don't forget to vote!


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