✨bakukami✨ pt 2

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requested by queenbratzdoll

Date made 16/7/21-25/721
Last part:
"hey kats there was something u wanted to tell me yesterday before the dekusquad pulled me away,what was it?" He looks at me

He blushes and whispers "I like u I what u to be mine" I look at him "Speak up I can't hear u" "I LIKE U! I WNAT U TO ME MY BF AND CG!" He shouts I was

Kami pov:
I was shocked but then blushed and smiles "I like u two and I would love to be your cg'" he smile and hugs me tightly "yay!!"I smile and hugs him back.

Baku pov:
We stayed hugging for a bit then I look up at him "As your my cg' now I should probably tell u soem stuff you'll need to know" he nods listening
"Well Don't shout at me and for when ever I'm naughty please don't use spanking" he nods 'okay" "I-I do wear diapers and do have accident, especially at night" I say blushing embarrassed he nods "I do also w-wear dressed and skirts " he nods "I bet you'll look adorable" I blush and smiles and holds explain more stuff to him like my little age range and everything else he listened understanding.

A week later,I had slipped with Kami 4 times he was really amazing,kind and understanding every time and always hung with me and stayed by my sid. In big space he always hung out with me whenever other wouldn't I love him loads and he new I didn't have much little stuff so when I was little he took me shopping to get plushies,pacis,sippy cupsdiapers and everything else he would keep some stuff in his room as spare he also bought me loads off dresses,skirts and tight.

Today I was in big space right now and walked into coming room casue Kami invited me to the class game night everyone looked at me (minus Kami cause Kami is best boi) "why's he here? He doesn't need to be here" They say "cause he can be He's part off this class" Kami says I sigh "no it's fine I'll go" I look down and walks out Kami sighs and stares at class

Kami pov:
Once he was gone I glare at them "Do u know how upset Kats is?! Knowing u guys hate him!! U all hate him and it upset him loads Yea he may be rude but he never actually means anything he does or says!!" I shout they look down slight but ichsko speaks up "Well if he wasn't an asshole" "he is not an asshole his anger is just a mask he hides who he really is Wich may I say he is quite soft and really kind also shy but he never shows that side his anger also develops from hiding his emotions!" I shout they look down "can u call him back" deku says I nod.

I walk to his dorm "Kats?". He looks up with thump in his mouth "Wes dada?" "The class wanna talk to u" he nods and gets up holding my hand walking out dorm with me to living room "Kacchan/bakubro/Bakubae/bakugou were sorry!" They all say he nods "I forgive u" they get up and hug him he slowly hugs back "how about u join us? You are part of this class" he smiles and nods "Bakubae your smile is so cute" he blushes embarrassed "S-shut up" they laugh and all sit down with him.

For rest night we all enjoyed movie night and had fun Kats being Hsi loud self and sometimes getting a bit shy but it was nice to see class and him getting along again he's even back in squad and it's now his squad again. I'm glad he is happy again

648 words

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Made 16/7 to 25/7

Sorry it took so long been a bit busy

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