✨️serobaku✨️lost in shop (I am alive!!)

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Take the best song ever here at top while also a cute serobaku pic

Little age:3-5
Date made:1/5/23

Pro hero au

Before we start i would like to apologise for not having updated in so long,i have been so busy and jist not really on my phone. So i am so sorry i wil he comi g back to posting ! I'll finsh this book and move onto the two new ones then!

How is everyone tho? How was everyone summer?

And we begin
Sero pov;
Katsuki had been well behaved for a few weeks now so as a treat i was gonna take him to mall. We were pro heroes now and the world new about katsuki little space,how? Well back when we had graduated during a stress of a mission katsuki had slipped in puplic it was a first proper missiom that wasn't going so well and it stressed him out alot and on bad luck some people had caught it on camera and was all over intered i rember video being called 'pro hero dynamight acting like a big toddler' which wasn't best but after a week of katsuki panciking after that was reased we had to explain and time skip to now 3 year later it was all known. So katsuki fime going out in public when he little.

I helped him dress and brushed his teetj "you ready for mall?" I ask he nods "mhm! Yes!" He says happily clapping his hand,he had picked out his own outfit which was some black shorts and a yellow tshirt with me on it as well as yellow knee high socks and somw black canverse.i helped him down from sode after tying his shoes "go pack your bag for day,only two toys rember" i say,he nods and runs to his little room "no running!" He pouts "okay.." he slows down walking,i began to brush my teeth while also brushing my hair.i was dressed in some simple jeans and a simple white tshirt while wearing same converes as katsuki,see some may think that was little katsuki idea but it was acutally big katsuki idea,katsuki is sweet little or not and loves to have matching bits like outfits,shoes with me it cute.

We soon arrived to mall,i hold his hand as we walked, though the mall looking around we popped into a shoe store and looks at some shoes as we looked he pointed to a pair conversese "let get wese!!" (Tehse) he says pointing to a black and white pair each pair had little heart on side (the shoes at top are the shoes they got) i nod and smiles "there cutee,yeah lets get themm,u wnat white or black?" I ask,he thinks for a second "Blwck!" (Black) i nod amd grab black fidning a sizd 7 for him and putting them in basket and i grab a szie 9 for me in white  puttibg that in basket aswell "any more shoes or taht all?" I ask "mm i need..neww boots!" He says as he looks at his list big him made,i nod and lead him to the boots as we got to boots he looks at yhem all before picking out a pair and ponying to em "thows!" I nod grabbing him them in gis size adding them to basket "okay now lets go pay" i lead him to till and we pay for shoes,after paying i hold bag and head out shop "clothes store next" we start walking to clothes store

Sorry it so short i'll make a part 2 to continue this :)

May i also have a few requests??

And check out the new books! I'll be posting on them soon (the pics of each are top one is little space deku and other is little space tanjirou!)

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