✨DekuBakusqaud x Baku✨ Trouble and Christmas cookies

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Requested by @EIJIROKIRISHIMA989 (I don't know what watpad has against tagging u in these Everytime I do it shuts me of this but can y'all tag this person in comments)

Little age 4-5
Littles-Baku,Deku and Kami
Date made-7-8/12/21

The weather were I live is crazy today and has been for past few days,It such a string storm and wind is really strong I wish we could replace the storm with snow that would be nice
Kiri pov:
It was Christmas in just 2 days and so we promsied the littles they could make Christmas cookies to give to Santa and some for ourselves,so Tsuyu,mina and ochako are out shopping to get the bits we need to make cookies while me I Playing with the little and Iida,shoto is cleaning kitchen while we wait for them to come back and Sero is also with the girls

I was sitifng at my bakugou desk in his room as They where all one floor playing as it started to get out of control and a fight started.

Kami pov:
I was Playing with zuzu and Kats! It was fun I can't wait till we get to make cookies for santa.Right now we were playing with are stuffies the other day deku and bakugou had got new stuffies,They only reason they got new ones is becasue when they were bjg they went shopping and got them stuffies as they had money I didn't have money and I still don't right now and I was jealous they had new stuffies and I didn't so I was right now trying to take zuzu old stuffie off him,his old one was a cute green bunny and it was his favorite stuffie papa had got him it.

(So this what they call each of squad members

Shosho-todoroki )

I kept trying to pull it off him and bakugou sees and pushes me to ground "Weave zuzu stwffie awone!!" (Leave zuzu stuffie alone!) He screams at me and hugs zuzu giving him bunny back I cried and Crawled to them and punch bakugou "Dwn hit me! Bwtch!" (Don't hit me bitch) I then pulled stuffie from zuzu right grip and it ripped in half,I stood there frozen as Izu brust out crying "PAPA!! PAPA!!" Zuz shoust.

papa walks over seeing ripped toy "zuzu what happened to gweny?" (Gweny was name of bunny) he ask and zuzu points at me "he...Whipped gwenyy!!"(he ripped gweny) He shoust Kiri looks at me "Kami corner now! 10 minutes your in big trouble mister" I cry Loudly and starts throwing a tantrum kicking and screaming.

Kiri pov:
I sigh and look over at bakugou "Kitkat u okay?" He nods soflty as he had tears down his face from Kami punching him in face "oh buddy,Go see shosho he is in kitchen and can u tell pa to come here?" I say he nods and gets up grabbing his old stuffie he go of pa which was a cute orange Puppy and his new styffue Which was a cute turtle he walked out.I look at Izuku and picks him up rocking him "it's okay, It's okay papa can fix gweny" u say he w
Looks up "chu can fx gweny?" (You can fix gweny?)

Iida Pov:
I was in kitchen with sho clenaing yo before cookies where made and Kats comes running in "Pa! Shosho!" I look at him "What's wrong buddy?" "kwmi whipped zuz pwushie! An pwnched me!" (Kami ripped zuzu plushie! And punched me! ) He says between tears I nod "okay little one let shosho looks at your bruise I'll go sort Kami put" he nods and goes up to shosho I run to the dorm and see kmai throwing a tantrum "Kaminari,Get up and stop throwing a tantrum,U keep this up and you won't have any toys for 2 days" I say he froze and clutches his Pickachu plushie which was his comfort item,Same that Gweny was Izuku comfort item "chu..twke..pika" (u take pika) he ask I shake my head "no I wouldn't take pika from u" I would never take his comfort items from him but rest I would put in a box on a shelf where he can't reach "but the rest will be on the shelf high if u continue this up" I say he nods looking down.

I pick him up and sets him I. Corner setting 10 minutes timer "10 minutes then your out okay,U can keep pika with u" I say he nods and stares at wall tears coming down his face,I hate punishing him we all hate punishing little one but they need to learn when they do wrong.

After 10 minutes,Izu plushies was fixed thanks to Kirisgima sowing it,bakugou face was not hurting as much any more and Kami just came out corner looking up at me "I sowwy pa" he says "it's okay,but u need to apologize to Kats and Izu,okay?" He nods and walks up to Izuku and Kats

(The fact that I realized I haven't finshed writing this one shot out and puplishing it even though it's 2am I. Working on it now just to get it out for y'all,So I can get next requested oneshot and the Christmas special one)

Izu pov:
I was playing with gweny and Kats us both playing with our stuffies and as we do we see kmai coming up to us I look away crossing my arms and holding gweny safe "stwy away! Chu ain twoching gweny again!" (Stay away,U ain't touching gweny again) I say "Ye go a-away! We don wike u" (we don't like u) Kats says,Kami looks at us "I-i'm sowwy! I didn't mea go bweak gweny! I jus wanned to pway with her a-an I sowwy for hwting chu kat!" (I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break gweny! I just wanted to play with her and I"m sorry for hurting u kat) he says crying and stars to walk back over to pa,I get up and hug him "I fwogite.. chu Kami!" (I forgive u) I say he look up and smiles "chu still wike me?" (U still like me?) I nod "ofwours!" (Ofvourse) Kats nods at Hsi question and hugs Kami, he smiles

3rd person pov (that's a new pov I don't think I ever done taht pov)
After awhile the littles all were baking cookies with all cg having fun and giggling,They made loads of cookies for Santa and themselfs they had loads and loads of fun by end of day all littls were drained and Fell asleep on couch with Kiri,Sho,Tsu it was adorable sight even thoes 3 caregivers fell asleep with Them.Though little were a bit naughty in morning they were well behaved all day and couldn't wait fro Christmas in 3 days

Hope u enjoy! I will have more oneshots coming out as I have loads of requests to do as well as the Christmas special one shot coming

I'm going though some the chapters and adding cute pics of the ship in the top casue Yea hwy mot

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