✨DabiBaku✨Big brother Dabi to rescue pt 2

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Requested by theuwu1 here is pt.2 too your requests

Little age,1-2
Date made-21/4/22

There is gonna be a pt.3 to this!
Kats pov:
It was a few hours,I begin to wake up I was still in little space. I look around seeing I was in room it was a black bedroom..it was dark in here..I remember I was with villains and began crying as I crawl out bed and crawl to door

I remember I was with villains and began crying as I crawl out bed and crawl to door

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-Dabi bedroom-(I want this as my  bedroom now it look so nice)

I fell off bed when crawling of it and began sobbing as I bashed my head in bed side table and hurt my wrist.As I was crying shigraki and Dabi walked in room "Shh shh it okay little one"Dabi says running up to me and rubs my back,shiggy heads to bathroom and grabs first aid kit them comes to be and kneels down "Here let sort your cut out little one" he says I heastinly,look at him to show my head there was a huge cut bleeding out,it wasn't deep but it was still bad "ohh that's a bad cut" he says and grabs some antibacterial wipes and begins to clean cut "o-owie! Owie! Swop!!" (Owie! Owie! Stop!) I cry out,he contiue cleaning it as Dabi runs my back "shh it alright,Were just gonna get that cut all healed" he says and rubs my back,he comes and sits behind me pulling me in his lap as shiggy contiue to sort out the cut.(I forgot to mention shiggy is wearing gloves so he doesn't Distergate)

After a but he finshed,he smile soflty "There y go little one" he ruffles my hair "tankie.." i say looking up at him,I stare as his hair and pull in it giggling as I pull and try plat it,Dabi chuckles soflty and shiggy whines a bit at how hard I was pulling.Dabi takes my hands from his hair "Don't pull little one,How about you let shiggy turn around and sit Infornt of u first then I'll help u do his hair? How about that?" He says,I nod "Ye!!" Shiggy smiles and turns around sitting infornt of me,"what hair style we doing on crusty here" he says turn a slap on hand from shiggy at the name,I giggle "elwas!!"(Elsa's) I say  "Ohh Alright" dabi grabs my hands and begisn to lead them showing me how to plat it and helping me,A few times I would tug on shiggy hair finding it funny with his reaction but after about 30-40 minutes we Finally finshed I clap and smile bright "It don!!!" (It done) Dabi take a pic,Shuggy looks at pic and smiles "You did a good job" he says getting up and picking me up 'Now c'mon little one we're gonna get soem food in u" he says I nod and smile happily

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