✨️serobaku✨️ lost in shop pt.2 (a long one this time i promise)

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Pt.2 here!

Little age:3-5
Date made:24/9/23-2/10/23

Plz chec out the new books!
1. Oneshots little space deku
2. Oneshots little space tanjirou
There is on my account, so if you like demon slayer or mha, give me a check out!

Sero pov:
We had gone though alot shops,as we walked to a cafe katsuki had stop staring though a window of a shop called Hmv he had spotted a bag that was degsin with his favourtie anime demon slayer,he was a big anime fan it showed alot when he was little "Dada! Dada! Ca i get pwz? Pwz!"(can i get it plz?  Plz) He asks, jumping slightly and pointing to it."No katsuki,you have enough bags at home u Don't need anymore, " i say. He pouts and sits on flood "no i wan it! Dada, pwzz!" ( no i want it,dada plzz) He screams,i sigh soflfy ready for him to throw a tantrum "No,No means no katsuki,you have 5 bags at home you do not need this one so up now" i say. He stares at me before begning to cry,i lookd at him "Katsuki don't go throwing tantrums cause u can't get yout way,your not gettng anything if u keep this up and your gettng no tv time tonight" i say i can be a bit strict at times,he stood up and ran calling me a stupid bum head "katsuki!" I run after him.

After running after him for 5 minutes, i lost him, which was not good at all,Katsuki hates being in puplic places alone, especially when it is crowded and he is small like he is. "Katsuki! Katsuki, where are u! Cmon?!" I say

Katsuki pov:
I ran crying, but after having run for 10 minutes,i realize i lost sero. The mall was crowded aswelll and really bus.  "dada?..dada! Dada were are chu!?" (Dad,  where are u?). I say my breathing went a bit hesvy as i started to cry more panicked and worried. I hated lowd crowed place,i covered my ears and ran to a little alleway between the shops. "dada! I wan fada! (Dada i want dada) my cried where loud and my breathing was heavy as i kept calling out for dada.

After 30 minutes of panicking i started to hear dada voice but i had slipped further into little space from 5 to 3 "dwda!!" (Dada) i scream,sero runs into allewya seeing me he ran to me and picked me up hugging me tightly."Oh! Oh, kats there you are! You're okay,right?" He asked,i nod soflty and cry into his shoulder "swcry!..i..wost chu!" (Scary,i lost you" i say. He rubs my back, rocking me. "How old u sweetie?" He asked soflfy, and i held up 3 fingers in response he nods and slips my paci between my lips "how about we end the shopping trip here?.. and go home?" He ask,i nod soflfy, laying my head on his shoulder. He put his jacket around me, kissing his head, and we walk out alleway and walked out of the shop. As we walked out shop i didn't know that he was getting a little gift for me. Once we got outside, he ordered a taxi, and we got a taxi back to ua dorms. On way to dorms i fell asleep in his arms, and rest night was a mystery to me as i slept peacefully in his arms.

I had woken up the next day, laying on top of him, cuddling up to him.i groaned soflry and looked at him. "dwda.." i say poking hid cheek,he wakes uo slightly opening one eye looking at me "whats up little one?" He asks sory "hwngy.." i say,he nods as he stretched opening both eyes properly before sitting up "Alright little one,what do u want? Cookie cerial or pancakes?" Sero asked "Cwckie swerial!" (Cookie cerial) i say happily,i love cookie cerial. I run out room to kitchen "Don't run!" Sero shouted out to me as he stood up and walks out room,i slowed down and walks to kitchen sero follwing behind me.

After a bit cerial was made and i was at table eating cerial "Baby..i got u a little gift" sero says still tired and sipping some coffee,i perk up my eyes sparkled "Swpies!?" (Suprise?!) I ask,he nods grabbing a little shopping bag and hands it to me,i take it and take out the bag "Omg!! DWMON SWAYER BWG!!" (demon slayer bag!) I squealed and clapped "Tank chuu!!!!! Wuvv chuu!!" (Thank u! Love u!" I hug bag tightly,sero smiles "It no problem baby,you where a brave boy yestrday and stayed in one place after getting lost. You desrve it" he says i smile happily

Here is pt.2 !

How are we so close t0 end year already? I swear it was july just last month and di easter even happen? Like where in October already..which best month!

Which being October,i am hoping to finsh this book by end this month so to finsh it off would you like a halloween special? It'll be a long story! (Well as long as i can make it with my motivation and what come to my head) but would yall like one? If so what bakugou ship should i do?

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