✨Bakukami✨game day!

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Requested by gomen_tsukii

Okay hii! So before u read this story please read this! I will be deleteting all the update chapters (look at pic to see what ones) that were just updates of why I hadn't posted any chapters in awhile and Question things so they will be gone and this will just be all the oneshots

Okay hii! So before u read this story please read this! I will be deleteting all the update chapters (look at pic to see what ones) that were just updates of why I hadn't posted any chapters in awhile and Question things so they will be gone and t...

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So all these will be gone all them,And what I will do is update ask requetse in the chapter liel either at end or begining :) and the first ever chapter will still be there just will possibly change how it is and the Chapter title

Little age-3-5
Date made-26/5/22

Sorry this short
Kats pov:
I was up wide and awake full of energy,dada promised me a day of gaming,I run to his dorm early in morning and jump on his bed "Dada!! Dada!" I shout,he sits up and looks at him groaning soflty "mm..Morning teddy, what's up?", He asks "gwmes! Gwmes!!" (Games games) I shout happily, "It's..5am baby.. go back to bed" he says "no Gwmes!" (No,games),Kami sighs and sits up "alright alright let me have some coffee and make us breakfast then we'll play games" he says I nod and jump of bed,He gets up and gets off bed and picks me up walking out dorm to kitchen. He sets me on kit hen counter and begins to make some coffe "what do u want for Breakfast?" He asks "Pwncakes!" (Pancakes),I say happily "Voice down others are still asleep" he says as he begins to make pancakess,I nod and watch.

After a bit he finshed "can j feed your self? Or Want me to?" He ask "I fee ma swlf!" (I feed my self) he nods and hands me plate and fork,i begins to eat happily he added my favour topping Whipped creme strawberry sauce and strawberrys.He drinks his coffee and eats his own pancakes.aftsr awhile we head back to Hsi room and gets me changed into a oneise them changes himself into joggers and t-shirt "What u wanna play prince?" He asks "mwnecwft!" I say he nods and grabs Minecraft and hands me controller we both begin to play,we played games all day of course takeing breaks for toilets and for dinner and taking an hour break a few times for our eyes.whole day was fun,I loved it


Damn deleted all the ranomd chapters which was all updates can't believe about 20 of the chapter were random updates I went from 75 chapters to 46,But hey got rid all random chapters now which is good And like I said update/asking requests will be...

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Damn deleted all the ranomd chapters which was all updates can't believe about 20 of the chapter were random updates I went from 75 chapters to 46,But hey got rid all random chapters now which is good And like I said update/asking requests will be at top or bottom on each Chapter

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