✨Minabaku✨lost shopping!

939 24 16

Little age-3-5
Date made-7/5/22

Happy pride month!!

What's everyone sexuality and Pronouns? I am pansexual and Non-Binary,I go by They/Them
Teddybear pov:
Me and mina were at mall,I was big at moment walking aound with mina.

We were grabbing food for Dorms ,mina was getting some girl products for all girls as they needed some and we were doing some clothes shopping.I was getting bored and as we were walking I spotted a toy shop and Walks over to it looking at toys through window I stared at them for awhile then headed inside and walks around,starting to slip as I look at more toys I contiue looking grabbing some thinga.

After a minute I trun and look around "Mimi?..Mimi!" I run around shop not finding mina "M-Mimi.." I begin to tear up

Mimi pov:
I was at Boots and I was grabbing pads,Sahving cream,razors for me and other girls. We take turns every month getting stuff for eachother next month is ochako turn this month is mine,I was questions why it so quite I turn behind "Kats u oka-..Kats?" I take a deep breath and go to till and pay for stuff then walks out shop and look for him calling out for him I keep running around,after about 30 minutes i find the toy store and walk in looking around for Kats and see him crying and curled up one the workers were with him trying to calm him,I walk over as he spots me "Mami! Mami!" He says, worker looks at me "You must be his caregiver? They ask,I nod "Yes,My name's mina" and kneel down,the work nods "my name's Yuri,Katsuki been looking for u around shop and couldn't find u and he starts crying,I found him here in this corner hiding and stayed with him"they says I nod and smiles "thank u for looking after him and I am sorry if this caused u any trouble I should kept a better eye in him" I say picking Kats up "it's okay Don't worry and don't forfe his toy he dropped" yuri says picking up Kats stuffie he got of shelf and hands it to mina "oh let me pay for it" I say grabbing my purse Yuri stops me "Nope Don sorry it's on me " they says,I smile "thank u,well we should get going leave u to work see u around" I say,Yuri nods"byee" I walk out with Kats and kiss his head "Don run off from me next time Kats,But I am glad your safe"I say,he nods soflty and sniffles,I clean his face fr dry tears and snot "let's go home for tonight" he nods "Otay Mami" he says and snuggles into me,I hold him close and walk home.

For rest day we when we arrived we spent day cuddling and watching movies

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