✨Dekubaku✨ Bad day

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Requested by BroccoliWeeb_
Little age:1-3

Date made-24/09/21


I had a really bad today,it all started with me being late for school,see school starts at 8am and I woke up at 9:36 and by time I made it to school it was 10:25,I had got scoled by aizawa and a detention.we then had a test and I failed it not to mention me and bakusquad had an argument and they said if I keep my attitude up I was out of squad, i was so stressed and upset with everything.

As soon as I reached my dorm I ran to my dorm and I got into this cute teddy bear dress then I slipped and I grav mu best friends ewie! (Ellie) Little bakugou and big bakugou love dressed,skirts and both love teddy's but Big bakugou would never admit that and only his caregive knows that bakugou loves teddy bears

As soon as I reached my dorm I ran to my dorm and I got into this cute teddy bear dress then I slipped and I grav mu best friends ewie! (Ellie) Little bakugou and big bakugou love dressed,skirts and both love teddy's but Big bakugou would never ad...

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(The outfit)

(This is Ellie)

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(This is Ellie)

I grabbed his favourite Blue teddy bear paci putting it in and sucks on it i opens his door and makes sure the cost was clear and I then ran to my daddys dorm and runs in "DWDDYYY!"I  shoust daddy looks at me "Baby inside voices" he says strictly ...

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I grabbed his favourite Blue teddy bear paci putting it in and sucks on it i opens his door and makes sure the cost was clear and I then ran to my daddys dorm and runs in "DWDDYYY!"I  shoust daddy looks at me "Baby inside voices" he says strictly and points to my rules Wich was on a piece paper on wall I had one in my dorm aswell 'Swupid rues!' (stupid rules) I though to myself "NW! I BE A ALUD a I WANT" (No I will be as loud as I want) I shout again stomping my foot

Deku pov:
I wasn't happy with my baby's attitude I looked at him and says sternly "Baby inside voices now! Or u will not be getting a new toy this weekend" I say I hated shouting at him but he needs to learn to behave,he piuted and quites down "Otay daddy I sowwy" (okay daddy I sorry) he says soflty I sigh and kisses his head "it's okay baby just don't go shouting okay?" I say he nods "so what do u wanna do?" I ask he looks up "pway!"(play) I smiles and nod getting up and grabbing his toys I had in my room and gav sthem to him "Let daddy finsh his homework then I'll come play with u" he pouts but nods and goes an plays I begin my homework.

After a bit my baby was getting stroppy he started asking me for me to paly with him I kept saying no and woat a bit but after a few ask he started shouting and getting stroppy he evsn threw some toys at me and he threw Ellie at me I kept telling him to stop bit he didn't after 5 minutes asking him to stop I got up "Katsuki bakugou" I say sternly he freezes and looks up at me "I want u to pick this up now put it all in the toy box! U will not get your toys for the rest week u can keep Ellie but no other toys and u will not get a new this weekends.You hurt daddy throwing toys at him and u hurt Ellie throwing her" I say Sternly I didn't take Ellie away as I knew that was his comfort item and it's wrong to take a comfort item so I let him keep it bit not rest toys.

He started crying and starts outting all toys in boxes.

I pciked up Ellie and held her close apologizeing.once I cleaned all toys I went up to daddy and kept apologizing "I-i sow-sowwy daddy!" (I'm sorry daddy) I kept repeating holding Ellie close he looks at me "You have time out baby,10 minutes in the corner" he says I cry more and nods I hate time out it's the worst,,I crawled to corner not wanting daddy even more upset with me I faces wall he set a time and sat at desk doing home work.

Once timer finshed,I had falled asleep tired from crying and exhaustion.

Deku pov:
I walked up to him and picks him laying him on my bed I take skirt of so he's comfy and see he's had an accident,So I grab him a fresh diaper and some wipes and I remove dirty diaper chucking it in bin and wiping him clean and outs new diaper on him he shuffled a bit but stayed asleep I wiped dry tears away from his face and kisses his head. I grabbed his sippy and walked out dorm

 I grabbed his sippy and walked out dorm

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(His sippyy cup)

I went to kitchen and made him some angel milk,no one was in kitchen or common room as everyone was either traning or doing homework so I didn't have to worry of anyone seeing me I also grabbed a small bowl.once I was down I went back to dorm and set the sippy on The bedside and let it cool while he slept.

I will make a part 2 of this so enjoy this little cliffhangers for now and hope u enojoyed it

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