✨Dekubaku+dadzawa✨ Ignored

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Requested by Anger_Block

Little age:4-5>1-2
Cg-Deku + Aizawa

Date made:18/11/22+24/11/22

I read the first chapter of this book...and god did I suck at writing story..i still do but it's much better than before

No one pov:
It was a Sunday afternoon in class 1A dorms,Bakugou was in Aizawa dorms as usual on Sunday but eri was with them this time.

Aizawa was paying attention to eri only playing with her and hanging out,katsuki didn't mind. To much at moment since he was big and just in his phone but he started to slip. He got up off bed slipped to age 4 and walks over to Aizawa "zawa..Can we-.." he was cut off as Aizawa looked at him "Katsuki I am busy with eri at the moment,playing so go wait" Aizawa said, katsuki nods and begin to slip further as he leaves Aizawa dorm.

Once he reached outside dorm he had slipped to one and was crying crawling in hallway

Deku pov:
I was in living room,going over some my notes bored as I heard crying coming from one hallways only people there at moment was Aizawa,eri and kacchan I doubted it was Aizawa,so it had to be eri or kacchan I knew Aizawa was there and could deal with it but I decided to go check. I walk to hallway and see katsuki crawling "Hey hey.. What wrong little one? Why u not with zawa?" I say kneeling Infront him,He looks up and crys hugging mee babbling nonsense,I could tell he must be really young..my question is why Aizawa would leave him to be out in halls alone slipped this young.it'd be fine if he was between 3-5 age..but he's not  "Shh it's okay, it's okay Dada here" I rub his back and kiss his head soflty,I stand up picking him up,he nuzzles I to my chest. I walk to Aizawa room and opens door slightly poking my head in seeing that he was just all attention kn eri not even notices Kat's gone.I sighed deeply I love that eri gets attention she deserves it,to have someone play with her and learn after everything she went though..But aizawa shouldn't ignore katsuki at all. I shut door and walks to katsuki dorm,rocking him In my arms.

Once we reached his dorm,I grab his paci and slips it between his lips as he falls asleep. I lay him down on bed and kiss his head giving him his stuffie I then walk out his room to aizawa and walk in "Eri sweetie go to living room for me" Eri nods and walks to living room "problem child what's up? And huh? Were is katsuki?" Aizawa said,I tsked and slapped him "Were katsuki? Well you would know if u f**king payed attention to him instead off just on eri! You said it would be fine if u took Eri and katsuki today but it wasn't because u f*king ignore katsuki! I found him around 1-2 in the hallway crying!" I said

((Yess! Pop off dekuuu!))

Aizawa stood stareing then looks down "..I didn't realize he slipped..and I didn't mean it" he said looking back up "that gives no right to ignore him like that! Big or little he doesn't desvered to be ignored!" Deku said "now fucking make it up to him in morning! And do not ignore him again or I swear to god you will break a load of bones" he said walking off back to katsuki

Next morning, Aizawa walked in katsuki room "katsuki..time to wake up" he said,walking over katsuki whines and sits up looking at who woke him and saw Aizawa. He poutes "g-go away.." he said, Aizawa walked up to him "Katsuki I am so sorry for not paying attention to u..dadzawa wrong for it..so will u forgive me? And I have a new stuffie for u? Well also go to theme park later today" katsuki though for a second before nodding and smiles "okay I forgive u!" Katsuki hugs him

Sorry it shorts but hope u enjoyed!

What everyone think on new Wednesday series? (No spoilers I only seen ep.1 so far plus other reading comments may not seem it) I love it,it so awesome so far! Wedsmday is so pretty

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