✨kiribaku✨mean posts and Upset

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Requested by taytayloyd
CG: Kirishima
Little age-1-3

Date made:11/11/22

Here is some slight angst,Enjoy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~no one pov:
2 weeks ago,katsuki was scrolling though his Instagram on his little account when he saw he had some comments aswell as some people sending him thing in message but sadly it was haters one comment said 'your fucking disgusting..it sick acting like this,grow up your grown boy not some child get a grip' there more and more like that,links of thing people posted saying it was disgusting.

It upset katsuki he started to overthink and Began crying

After a bit katsuki started to believe comments which ended up to him hodking back his regression, Kirishima found out about it being he had Access to account as well and he was not Happy at all he went off in the haters and then talked with katsuki reassuring him

4 weeks later,me Held back regressing whole time no matter how much times Kiri reassured him staying 'it was okay regress' that 'it was cute and nothing to digusting about it at all' and how katsuki wasn't digusting or a freak but katsuki didn't listen and didn't regress at all

Katsuki pov:
I was sitting in class and it was boring so I started to just zone out looking out the window but as I zoned out i started to slip slowly,I tried to hold it back but after five minutes he couldn't any more and slipped bursting out crying,He curled up in his seat hugging his legs close to his chest.

No one pov:
Everyone was shocked no one had seen katsuki bakugou crying and here he was curled up crying,class was shocked but really worried, Eijirou most

Aizawa pov:
I was writing on board explaining work to class as I hear someone burst out crying at first I thought it was deku knowing how much he cried till I turned around "Problem chi-..Bakugou?" I was  shocked but I was worried,I walked over to his seat slowly and knelt down "bakugou?..you okay? What's wrong?" I asked,he looked up,sucking in his thumb "D-da-daddy! I w-wan daddy!" (Daddy! I want daddy) he says, "Daddy?.." I say

No one pov:
"that's me." Kiri said as he walked over and picked bakugou of the seat and sat in the bakugou seat sitting bakugou in his lap,I let him do what he was as bakugou seems to cling to him "shh it's okay little one..daddy hear, it's alright it's alright" kiri said,whispering soflty and rubbing katsuki back humming.

Bakugou slowly calmed down "how old are u buddy?" Kiri asked,bakugou stared at his fingers before holding up one "aww got such a small boy don't we" Kiri said kissing bakugou over his face and wiped tears,bakugou giggle then looked up "I..nwt diswstin..?" (I am not disgusting) He asked kiri kisses his head "no no your not,you no wear near disguting thoes people were just bullies..mean mean bullies" he Said,bakugou nodded and smiles soflft,snuggling into Kirishima

Aizawa pov:
Me and class were confused about what was happening,I slightly kinda knew but still confused

Kirishima grabbed a paci from his own bag and slid it between katsuki lips soft and rocks him as he looked up "Okay Soo katsuki is a little..I won't fully go into it so do some more research yourself but he has times where he slips like know into a child like state mind,he regresses to age one-three,at moment he is one" I nod "so he is an age regressors?" Deku asked, Kirishima nods "yeah,u heard it before?" Deku nods "yeah I have" he says, "Kirishima you and bakugou are dissmess  for rest day,take him to dorm let him get some rest he seem tired" Kirishima smiled "thank u sir" he says and get up carrying bakugou and bags leaving.

No one pov:
At the end day once everyone was back in the dorms,Bakugou was still regressing and everyone began to play with him and hang out with

Hope you enjoyed

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