✨dabishigabaku✨left alone and upset

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Here is PT.2!-

Cg-Shigarki (baba) & dabi (papa)
Little age 1-3

Katsuki pov:
I arrive to there base but it wasn't villain base it was like dabi and shigaraki secret base for themselves,walk in and jt was dark and scary I hold onto and hide my face in his chest "scway" I say,he ruffles my hair and kisses my head "Shh it's okay, it's safe here" dabi says I smile soflty and look around as shigaraki turned lights on it was really nice here I squealed and jumped on sofa "Bouncy!!!" For them looking so hoemless they seem quite rich it was a small old bulidlik but had bathroom,living room,bar and bedroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Katsuki pov:I arrive to there base but it wasn't villain base it was like dabi and shigaraki secret base for themselves,walk in and jt was dark and scary I hold onto and hide my face in his chest "scway" I say,he ruffles...

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(Bar behind living room)

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(Bar behind living room)

(Bar behind living room)

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(Living room)

Shigaraki smiles and ruffles my hair with his glove on 'cmon mister let's get u changed and ready for bed" he says,I nod and do grabby hands up at him.

He picks me up and walks to bed room laying me on bed "can I change u little one?" He ask,I nod and he begins to remove my clothes seeing my Diaper "little one do u wear diapers to bed?" He ask,I nod shyly "m-mm..and in dwy.."I say looking away,he mumble shit under his breath "okay..What I'm gonna do is put you in some boxers,okay? We don't have any diapers for u..put well put on double boxers for more later and have a towel under u" he says,I some what u derstood him and nods soflty "otay" I say smiling.

He removes my diaper and gets me into two boxers one over other and some comfy trousers and a t-shirt,them lays a towel on bed laying me on top of it and tucks me in"well join u in a bit? Get some sleep" he says handing me a stuffie anf slips my Paci between my lips,I nod and doze off snoring softly and sucking on paci.

Shigaraki pov;
I kiss his head soflty and walks out bedroom,turning light of and goes to bar "hey he is alseep, let's call shouta..let him know one his students are here" dabi nods and grab his phone.

Me and dabi Ain't villains..but we have to pretend to be as are mission,were both heroes but right now are mission is to get intel on villains so it's what we're doing.we are good friends with shouta Aizawa and knew he cared alot for his students see them as his own children.he'll never admit it tho it took us a while to get him to finally admit it.

Aizawa pov:
I was in reacher dorm and got a call of dabi "hey what's up dabi?" I ask "hey one your students katsuki Bakugou,he was out crying in the park..we have him with us right now.."he says I nod,poor Katsuki I wonder why "okay thank for letting me know,was he little?" I say "no Problems,yea he was and do u know hey he's upset?" Dabi replies "I don't but I do know..he and class haven't been talking for weeks now.. probably something to do with that..i'l try solve it out u guys get some rest I'll update u I'm morning" I say "okay night shouta"both dabi and shiggy says "night ya idiots" I say and hang up,I head to student dorms "listen up u little shits now!" I say turning WiFi off,they all groan and look at me  "what's up Aizawa" ochako says,I  stands infornt them "answer me now..why are u all not talking to bakugou" I say they all go quite "I said answer!" I say shouting at them,I know it has something to do with them they have been giving him stares so I ain't being nice to him,no one hurts my favourites child and gets away with it,I'm gonna commit murder of they really are reason he's upset

I am alive!!! Part 3 to this coming soon enjoy cliffhanger I leave y'all om

Also forgot to mention gonna try get all my other books udpate this week!

But also I joined something for summer, so Thursdays-sundays is when I will try update as best as I can on all my books :) and that is what I will try to do now is update my others books

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