✨Todobaku plus Endeavour (1/?)✨ Endeavour baby-sitting

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In this Endeavour will be baby sitting bakugou so it"ll be platonic! Bakugou cg is shoto!

Requested by @ HonesyIsMyWeakness (tag em for me please)

Little age-2-5

Date made-19-20/2/22

Also may make this a 2 part
Bakugou pov:
School had just finished and it was half term so I was heading to my house,half way home I got a text of my mom saying *text:KATSUKI BRING YOUR A** HOME NOW!* I look at text and sigh,What I do now?.I begin to speed walk home wondering what I did wrong.

When I reach home I open door falling straight down to floor as bags were thrown at me "YOU ARE F*CKING DISGUSTING BRAT! UOU ARE 16! YOU DO NOT NEED A PACI AND SHIT! WHAT TF IS WRONG WITH U" my mom screamed at me, "H-hag listen please I-It's mot mine i-i just babysit for s-someone" I say making a lie up and stuttered scared.

No one really ever made me scared other than my mother.she has always been physically and verbaly abusive towards me she one reason I started age regression.

She looked at me screaming at me not believing lie one bit,She son said something I never really wanted to hear "YOU ARE OUT OF THIS F*CKING HOUSE!! NOW F*CK OFF OUT MY SIGHT!!" She screamed "w-what no! h-muk please I have no were I'll stop doing it please!" I say she pushes me out "NO OUT NOW!" She slams door kciking my bags out before.

I fell to ground and stare at door in shock...No no no!..I stand up and grabs my bags and begins to walk away *mind:Where am I gonna go..*I sigh thinking while walking and looks around *mind:wait.. shoto! I can go to his house* I run to shoto house

Will make this into a few parts and contiues this! As this only begining it plot! But hope you like it so far

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