✨Todokiribakudeku✨ Grounded

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Requested by- @myrittleskies (tag em plz)

Little age:4-5
Cg-todoroki (Dada) Deku (papa) Kirishima (Baba)
Date made-10/11/22

Christmas is coming up and I'm gonna do a Christmas special Any ideas for what I should do and what ship I should do?

Also it feel godd writing these story's again,updating again kinda missed doing it glad to be doing it again :)
no one pov:
"you are grounded katsuki this is enough!" Kirishima said as he takes my electronics "your not getting any this back for another two weeks,no going out to park or beach,no electronic and no Treats or pocket money"

Bakugou pov:
question why I am grounded? Well I had been being naught for a week or ask Kirishima says sometime a little brat,I been cause messes,upsetting people, throwing tantrums,throwing stuff none my boyfriend are happy with it


I was playing with Kami having a play date but he was getting on my nerves mumbling random Cr*p it was stupid,I grabbed two toy trucks and threw it at Kami head "Shut up! Swupid b*tch" I says,Kami Burst out crying "Dada!!" He screams,shinsou came running in aswell as my dada "What happened Kami?" Shoto and shinsou ask "h-he wit me!" (He hit me) Kami says pointing at me,shinsou pickes him as shoto walked over to me "katsuki why did u hit him?" Shoto asked nicely "how was being swupid! And w-wouldn't shut up!" (He was being stupid and Would shut up!) I say "that is no no reason to hit and you ask him nicely to be quiet, apologize now and no Treats today or tv" he said stern,I got more upset at that as dada was upset with me,I threw a toy at him and run off

             ~Flashback over~

I stomp my feet "tat is not fair!!" I scream out as I try to reach for my electronics,Kiri stepped back holding them high "No it is fair now go to your room ,food ready soon" he said "I no want food!!! And I no listen!" I shout and Storm to my room. After 30 minutes deku knocks on the door with a secret knock only my cgs,denki and shinsou know,letting me know it them so they can walk in,he opens door walking over to me as I sat in the corner of my room pouting while scribbling over a picture I drew them still moody and holding Boba,boba was my bunny plush

 After 30 minutes deku knocks on the door with a secret knock only my cgs,denki and shinsou know,letting me know it them so they can walk in,he opens door walking over to me as I sat in the corner of my room pouting while scribbling over a picture...

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"KitKat,c'mon time for food..you got to eat,I made your favourite spicy curry with extra spicee" he says,I turjn"Swicy curry?!" I ask totally forgetting I was in a mood,he nods chucking softly I stand up and bolt out door,I was lucky today that everyone was visiting hole bar me,ei,shoto and Izuku so I didn't care to change or take my paci and oaci clip off. Once I reached kitchen,I take a seat deku follow me them sat a plate infornt me "want shoto to feed u?" I shake head "I big boy!". I say and begin to eat messily deku nods and eats his own,when they cooked spicy food they always made to seprete ones,small pan was always mine being only one who likes spicey food while another pan cooked there so he was eating normal curry.

Once I finshes eating I look at shoto and Kiri "Wic cream!" I say,they shake there head "No,no treats Rember? Your grounded" shoto says, "B-but..no fair!" I shout and gets out seat,they sigh soflft as I storm off back to my room.

A week later I was bored during the week I was just quiet and ignored them but was getting bored and I decided I wanna go to park I run to deku "Papa..park Plzz?" I ask "no your grounded katsuki" he says,I pout and then smirks a bit as I got an idea,I began to tear up crying "papa..Plz...I boredd..I wan go to pawkk"(papa plz,I am bored,I wanna go to the park) I say giving slight puppies eyes,he sigh "alright let's go but shh..You can't let dada and baba know I took u" he says I nod and jump "Let's goo" I say rubbing tears away,He smiles soflty and grabs his shoes getting them on them helps me get mine on aswell as my jacket.

I ran out and deku followed me "no running" he said as he catches up to me.He held my hand and we walked to park,well he walked I skipped happily.

Once we arrived at park,deku took a seat down as I went straight for the climbing frame.This was best park it was made for age regressors,it was known as little park. I climbed to top "Papa!! Wook! I king castle!!" )Papa,look I am king castle) I shout,deku takes a picture and smiles,them bowed slightl "Well glad to see our Majesty at his catsle" he says,I giggle and smiles "Mm! I your majesty! I am king!" (Mm! I am your Majesty I am your king!) He smiles and takes a few more pics

3 hours later we arrived back and walked in shoto and Kiri were standing there "Izuku..you know he is grounded why did u take him to park and to get icecream?" Kiri said "Ei,he was bored and I hated him being upset all week..C'mon just ungrounded him.. it's been long enough now we can get him to apologize to everyone" deku said,The two signed and looked at me "alright, Let's have movie night and tomorrow your apologize to everyone" shoto says,I squeal at movie night "okay!" I say and run to my dork to get blankets and my plushies, Kiri went in kitchen and grabbed some snacks.

I looked around grabbing bits and wanted to give them a picture forgetting I scribbled in it when in a mood,once I found it I looked at it and Burst out crying "I-i..wuined it..." ( I ruined it) Shoto does special knock and walks in "Hey kats, What's wrong? Ain't u excited for movie night" He says walking over,I point at pic "I-it was for chuu..papa..baba..and it wuined..wanted to..swpise chu all.." (it was for u,papa and baba and it's ruined,wanted to surprise you all)  I fall down in floor and holds boba close,Shoto sits down and pulls me in his lap hugging me "shh it's okay, it's okayy" he kisses my head "I ebt it was amazing and it still looks awesome now..how about before movie you make us another onee? And then you can supries us with that?" He says,playing with my hair,I look up and sniffles "mhm.."I say nodding,he smiles and wipes my nose aswell as my tears then grabbed my pencils,coloured pencils aswell as my paper and sets it on my table "Here puppy and while u do this I'll make u a lovely hot chocolate,with the spicy hot chocolate bombs you like" he says,I nod and smiles "okay dada..no goo don't wanna ruin surprise" I crawl of his lap to tabel,he nods and gets up "see u in a bit" he walks out closing door and heads to make hot chocolate

After 30 minutes I ran to shoto room where the movie night was and held up the picture up to them "Swpise!" I say "aww that looks amazing! We love it" deku says "you did awesome" kiri says "this is definitely going in wall" I smile bright and sets it in bed side climbing into bed dragging my blanket and Boba with and snuggles you to them as we all begin to watch movie watching nightmare before Christmas.

Next day I did apologize to people,Apologizing to denki in both little and big space

The end this one! Hope you yall enjoyed!

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