✨Kiribaku✨Not such a good time (2/?)

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Little age-8montsh-4
Date made-11/1/22

I have a feeling this may be a 3 or 4 parts,I love how this is going
Aizawa pov:
After awhile I soon arrive home and I pick Kats up,he had fallen asleep I grab just the bin bag of little stuff for now and walks in house and sees Denki, Shinsou in the living room,only reason denki was here was he was a little to he was shinsou little and I knew he'd be here he told me before school, denki sees me "Aizawa,is Bakugou okay? Why's he here" he asked with worry seeing a few brusies on bakugou I smile soflty "I'll leave him to explain okay? When he's better but he's.. Alright..he'll be living with me from now on" I say Kami nods "okay and I can tell he Little..so if u wnat u can out him in my Nursery here" I smile "thank u Kaminari,I'll go do it now can u go tell mic I'm here and to meet me in your nusery" he nods going to mic I wave at shinsou and walsk upstairs to nusery,I lay Kats in the cot and kisses his head soflty and smiles soflty (platonically) "sleep well"

I look at mic who walks in "okay listen.."I explain what happened to Kats and His little space "I can't belive his mother did that,Are u planning to adopt him?" I nod "yes,bakugou may be a troublesome kid sometimes but that kids been through alot I'm not gonna leave him on streets" I say mic nods "mm I know,I'll go send in adoption papers and also Kaminari and shinsou started making dinner mostly for Kats, Kaminari really is a nice kid he worry's for his friends dearly" I smile "Kaminari has always been a good, everyone in the 'bakusquad' care about eachother alot even bakugou cares about them even if he doesn't show it he always worry's about them" I say mic smiles"there friendship is amazing" MCI says as he walks out,

I set bakugoy bag down and grab his little clothes and while he sleeps changes h gently into a oneise then turns baby monitor on and walks out room and downstairs, Kaminari comes up to me "Hey aizawa,is it okay if I invite Kirishima over here tomorrow? He's bakugou caregivers and boyfriend's and he is really really worried about bakugou as bakugou hasn't talked to any of us since end off school before summer holidays" he ask I nod "ofcourse u can,Kiri and you can stay of school tomorrow,alright? So you can stay with bakugou" he smiles  and nods "thank u Dadzawa!" He runs back to Kitchen "no running!" I say and smiles,these kids are turning me soft I say and goes to Hitoshi,who was setting table "how was denki I. Little space today?" I ask shinsou look up and smiles "he was good,he had been having bad thoughts again so it's why he was do upset this morning But he is alright" I nod and smiles,alot class suffer with alot of things Kaminari has adhd and anxiety it's why he's always Hyper but also Anxious at same time,He always overthinks especially since everyone bullies him for being "stupid" but he really is quite smart he just needs help concretrating in class and That's why he has fidgets now it helps him,The class Don't tease denki for him failing in lesson anymore they realzied it hurt him but now they just help him, Really the class have bonded alot  over the past year and a half there all like a big family it's amazing.

(It's midnight for me..But I'm still writing this part..cause I wanna finish it so ya)

After a few hours,Kats woke up I went to check on him and he was back in head space now as he got himself out of it "hey u okay?" He nods soflty "...I"m sorry for bothering u with my problems". He says,I hug him "You are not bothering me u never do bakugou, It's okay alright..You'll be living with me from now on" he looks up "a-are u sure?" He says I nod,he smiles and hugs back tightly 'thank u.." I smile "also denki knows your a little now" I say,he smile "it's fine he already knew everyone in bakusquad knows we all know he is aswell" I nod," I wanna slip badly but I feel bad for Slipping" he says

I hold him close "how About we have food then,you can slip okay? Don't feel bad about it it is perfectly normal and You know what you can have a Olay date with Kami " I say he looks up sparkles in his eyes at theention of play date and smiles "okay!" It's weird seeing bakugou smile but It's good to see him happy,I take him down stairs and walks to kitchen and re heats the food as he sits at table.

Kaminari pov:
Walks over to bakugoy and sits next to him "hey Kats,are u okay?" I ask he looks at me and smiles soflty,We all are close in bakusquad we call eachother first name bases were all the only one,who see bakugou soft side all time he may disagree he has a soft side but he really he"s a big softy, he husg me and Explain what happened tearing up slightly I hug him back tight "it's okay,I'm here for u your safe here and hey guess who's coming tomorrow" he looks at me smiling soflry wiping his tears "who?" He ask "guess..He has shark teeth" he smiles "dada!" He says having slipped,I smiled and kissesd his cheek "yep" smiles and decied to slip  and Giggles and Just talks randomly with Kats,after a bit aizawa walks over with Kats food and sees me and Kats have  slipped "how old are u two" I smile holding up 4 fingers "Fwur!" (Four) I smile,Kats hold up two finger's "two!"(two) he nods and begins to feed Kats as Kats eats peacefully

Part 3 tomorrow! Hope you like this little mini series of this one shot! This one will be another 1-2 chapters then I'll move on to the other request that need to be done

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