✨Bakusqaud/Kirishima x bakugou (1/5✨Sero looking after bakugou

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Requested by DamnRiot

Little age-1-4
Date made-9-10-3/22
Kiri pov:
I had a huge mission today only problem was Kats was little and attached to my leg right now,He was really clingy when little and hated me leaving him alone, it's cute really and I hate leaving him too but I had to go to this and I was leaving him people we both trust the Bakusquad.

I kneel down and pets his hair soflty,wiping the tears from his face "Listen to me pebble" I say softly he looks up at me "I know u don't want me to leave and I don't wnat to have to go to work e
Right now but I need to" I say he whines "d-dada! Pwase! I wan sta with chuu! No eas wdot.!" (Dada please I wanna stay with u  not these idiots) he says pouting "Don't be mean and alook I know but I promise I'll be back later to ight or tomorrow morning..If u let me go and behave for others I'll buy u that squish mallow u wanted" I say trying to bribe him,He stood there thinking then let go my leg "otay dada!!"(okay dada) he says I smile and pecks his lip soflty as a good bye kiss,Kats as little always loved a little peck on lip when I was going somewhere or just randomly it was cute really when he just come to me demands a kiss,So I peck him on lip then he just cuddles into me "bye baby" I say "bye bye" he says waving,I look at Sero "Make sure he's in bed by 8:30!" I say as I walk out,Sero nods "Will do!" He says right before I closed door

Sero pov:
Once Kiri left I walked up to Katsuki and knelt down to him "What would the little explosion like to do?" I ask he looks up "Cwckies!!" He shoust,I smile and chuckle at how he prounces cookies we do try to get him to say cookies a bit better as we can't have him cheering 'cwckies" around dorms again..I remember that..

-A little flash back-

Denki came back to dorm and bought Katsuki some cookies and handed them to him "here u go little one!" He says bakugou holds cookies and jumps up "Cwckies!!" He says and runs around dorm chanting "Cwckies!! Cwckies Cwckies!! I have Cwckies!" He says as he runs around,Denki,Sero,Kiri all stood there shocked then burst out laughing, people in dorms was giggling,chuckling as Kats just chanted Cwckies,We didn't stop him for a bit as he was having fun.We Soon stopped him from running around chanting it and sits him at sofa and start to try help pronounce cookies better

-end flashback-

I look at kat "say cook" I say,"cwok!" He says,I smile "ies" "i-ies" he says "now say cookies together" I say "cwok-Cwckies!" He says giggling,I swear he does it on purpose now,I sigh and chuckles soflty picking him.I blame denki for screaming c*ck a few time near Kats when was little.

I soon got to kitchen with Kats and sets him on counter and grabs bits to make cookies or in Kats words Cwckies

We soon fisnhed baking and cookies cookies and Put them I. A plate "cw I has Cwckie?" He ask nicely,I nod and hand him one "here u go" I say he smiles and begins to eat it,making mess with crumbs.

While he enjoyed cookies I cleaned up the mess we made while baking them.when he finshed eating cookies mina game in and picked Kats up "I'm taking my favorite bean,You've had him for last 2 hour making cookies..I'm stealing h now" mina says walking of with him. When we baby sit him we take turns looking after him so it doesn't get so Chatoic,so we take turns looking after him he doesn't mind he gets a few hours with all of uss just doing random things

See ya in pt.2! We're it'll be mina looking after him! Then denki then Kiri will be back from his mission and will have his time with his pebble! Let's also not forget jirou!! Well do jirou right before kiri or denki

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