✨dabishigabaku✨left alone and upset

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PT.4 last part

Okay also I'm just not gonna try have a posting schedule cause I suck at posting all time :) this will just be updated when ever it does :) like today

Katsuki pov:
A few hours later,Of having breakfast and chatting with them  and hanging out we were heading back to ua to drop me of,during breakfast we discussed in them being my caregivers as they enjoyed looking after me,they were gonna be my caregivers platonically till I found someone.

We arrived outside ua,I held o to shiggy amr tight "dow weave mee!" (Don't leave me) I say slipping and tearing up "I dow wan go ther....all mwanies!", (I don't wanna go there,all meanies) j say, shigaraki ruffles my hair and kisses my head "i know there meanies..but u can't skip school for ever little one,I promise me and dabi will come visit u every weekend" he says,I nod soflty and snuggles into his arm "cwme in wit me?" (Come in with me?) I ask he nods,they walk with me in to ua heading to teachers dorm avoiding anyone

Shigaraki pov:
We reached Aizawa form and knocks on Door and he answers "zawa!" Kat's says hugging his leg,he smiles "hey Kats,how u feeling?" "Gwwd bu scwared!" (Good but scared) he says, Aizawa ruffles his head "don't worry zawa will protect u from them,they won't hurt u anymore I've had a good talk with them this morning" Aizawa says,Kat's giggles and smiles

Aizawa pov:
I hold  kat tight close and look up at Dabi and shigaraki "You two thank you for looking after him,he's been though so much.." they both smile "it's no problem at all,he was so cuteee if it wasn't for fact you guys need him I think we would kept him for ever" shigaraki says,I chuckle "fairr well you should get going before some students see u" they nod and look at Kay waving "Bye bye little one" they both say,kat waves "Bye bye..." He says sadly and begins to tear up as they leave.

I kiss his head "Shh it's okay,you'll see them again soon little prince" he snuggles into me,I walk in my room and Bounce him on my hip calming him down as I soon set him with some his toys letting him play and smiles

Sorry for short part but here it is

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