✨Dekubaku✨dealing with meanies

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Requested by XxLeo27xX

This is trans deku and non-binary bakugou! Deku is ftm and he/him
Bakugou is They/Them pronouns and still likes to go by Katsuki but also likes to be called kitkat

Little age-2-5
Date made-26-28/4/22

I have decided I will update all my books every 3-5 days! So that will be a schedule for me some days I may update every 1-4 days but mostly 3-5 days :)
Also part 3 of Dabibaku will be coming after I do this and another request! This week I haven't as I was busy all week but from now on it will be every 3-5 days I update

Also this is one we're little bakugou looks after his dada! As his dada has a bad day
Deku pov:
I was in my room,staring at my chest I sigh,All day I had been listening to transphobic comments and being called she/Her by teachers,in school the register says my dead name and well taht I'm a 'girl' only Kitkat and aizawa know I'm trans oh and a few people who found out that are homophobes.I kept staring at my chest wishing to have top and  surgery but it's to expensive.*mind:..I'm keeping this on for night* I sigh,I have already had binder in for 10+ and it did hurt a bit but mm..I hate it off,I sit in bed

KitKat pov:
I run into dada room and see staring in mirror and his binder still on,I run up to him "Dada! Wff!" (Dada off)I say pointing to his binder "Hey KitKat and I'm keeping this on" he says I pout and Hug him "Nwww u had I on fwr wges!" (No u had it on for ages) I say,he sighs soflty "I'll be fine little one.." I hug him more but not to tight "nw! Ywu ha it on wa two long...Dwn't wet thoes mwnies get to u...Twre asshwles!..Ywu need a break fwrk it" (No,You had it on two long, Don't let thoes meanies get to u there assholes. You need a break from it) I say,he sigh softly and smiles softly "Alright.. alright I'll take a break" he says I nod and smiles going to his wadrobe, grabbing a baggy t-shirt for him, I grab some sudo cream and runs up to him I hand him sudo cream,he smiles I turn around letting him take binder of rubbing some suda cream around his chest as it was red and soar then chucks in the baggy t-shirt,he smile a little "I'm done" he says I turn around and hug him "mm! Gwd!" I say and drag him to bed "wets watch some move and rewax!"(let's watch some movies and relax) I say he nod and sits down on bed grabbing controller I climv and sit in his lap as he turns tv in and outs on a Disney show then holds me close cuddling me,I snuggle up to him and watch movie

Deku pov:
I kiss KitKat head as they watch movie,I love them there amazing I grab his favourite plushie Kuroo which Is a little red cat plush I handed it to him and he holds it close "wuv chu dada!" They say "I love u to little one" I say as I hold him close and watch movie

Sorry if this is bad I tried my best but hope u enjoyed it! If I made any mistake tell me and I will correct them

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