✨DabiBaku✨Big brother Dabi to rescue pt 1

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Requested by theuwu1

Little age,1-2
Date made-6-8/4/21
Baku pov:
I woke up and looked around *mind:Were am i..I do-..L-league!* I freeze staring at them and realized I'm chained up

Shigraki smirks and glares at me "Hello Katsuki bakugou" he walked up to he and outs a hand on my chin lifting it up,he had one pinky lifted up to not turn me to dust I spat at him trying to remain calm "Oh u bitch" he slapped my face with 4 finge...

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Shigraki smirks and glares at me "Hello Katsuki bakugou" he walked up to he and outs a hand on my chin lifting it up,he had one pinky lifted up to not turn me to dust I spat at him trying to remain calm "Oh u bitch" he slapped my face with 4 fingers bit it hurt alot..I freeze and stare around.

I begin to slip scared and terrified "S-Stay away..please! Don't touch me!" I shout out and squim around,They all stare at me confused

Toga looks at other "are u sure that's Katsuki Bakugou?.." she ask ,shiggy "I'm sure...but..why the fuck is he crying..." He says as dabi stares at me and walks over to me,See I slipped "Guys I'll deal with him..you head and do whatever" he says the other nod and leave "yeah sure just get him sorted" Shigraki said leaving

Dabi pov:
I look at bakugou "Look at me little one,I won't hurt u" he heastinly looks at me,You can see the fear and terror in his face my face softens "oh u poor thing..here" I begin to untie him taking every chain off once he was free I grabbed some sudo cream and rubs it over his wrist and neck he flinched at my touch but I whispers soothing words while I do it. Once I finsh I pick him up gently "Were not gonna hurt u little one I Promise" I rub his head soflty and he slowly calms down.

Once he calms down I sit him on a stool at bar and grabs a bottle "little one do u like orange juice?" I ask,He nods soflty "words little one" I say "Wes..I oo"(yes I do) I smile "godo boy" I pat his head Softly and Make him some orange juice in the bottle once I finshed it I look at him "how old are u?" He looks at his fingers and holds up 1 finger,I nod and begins to helps him drink from bottole,He slips quite young..I'm glad I know what little space is or we would all be stuck on what to do which reminds me I'll have to tell the other they all seem quite confused.

When he finshed drink he sleeps quite sleepy,I walk him to my room and lay him in bed,Tucks him in "get some sleep little on" I say turning on lamp next bed and turns bedroom light off then heads to other who seem to be in shigaraki room which is a Suprise he normally gets annoyed about if any of u s are in his room,I walk in "alright I know your probably all confused so listen up" I say they nod and looks at me "have any of u heard of age regression?" I ask,they all shook there head I sigh and I explain to them what age regression is once I did they nodded "So he regesses to age of a child..because of stress or trauma?" Toga asks,I nod "yes and seems in his case an age of a baby..he seem to regress to about age of 1 mabey even 2" I say they nod "So why'd he regresse so quick with us?" Shiggy ask,"I think he may have been Kidnapped before having trauma from it and with how rough u were being Crusty he regressed quickly right now he's asleep in my bed" I say

Shiggy nods and smiles a little "Well alright let's leave him sleep we can make him food for when he wake look after him got a bit then set him free take him back to ua once he is big again" shiggy says,I nod and we all agree

Will make a pt.2 of this a sit is not finshed yet

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