✨Kiribaku✨Trans bakugou(MTF)

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Requests by Bakuhoe_Lovely_UwU

This is a trans bakugou MTF,so for this chapters bakugou will be She/Her pronouns! And I hope you enjoy this,Bakugou has not had Top or bottom surgery yet and his voice is still hightened.There will be diapers in this,diaper mention and wearing of diapers and Kirishima gives bakugou a female name so instead of calling him Katsuki he calls her katsumi

Little age:0-2
date made-10/3/22

Today is were I am just updating this book and my ShigaDabi a bit as I haven't been so active lately so enjoy these updates.

Kats pov:
I was in my room right now looking online on a website to my favourite little shop.This shop was a shop u could visit at mall aswell as online I've ever gone in acutally shop to nervous to.

I was looking through bits and I saw some adult size diapers,I stare at them and sigh.i've always wnated to try diaper bit I'm scared,what if Kiri will think i'm weird for wnating to use diapers and I have always had night accident till I was 13 and I Don't wnat to go back to that I'm scared really....

I contiues scrolling looking at all things,as Kiri walked in "Hey Katsumi" he called me Katsumi,though my birth name was...Katsuki...he was only one who knew I was trans so when we were alone he always called me Katsumi or Kats when we were near people.I look up at him "Hey Ei" I say smiling soflty,he walked over and looks at my phone "What's with looking at diapers?" He ask confused I freeze a bit and looks down "i...I have something I want to talk with u about ei.." I say soflry he looks at me and nods "What is it princesses?" He says sofkty.

I look up at him and smiles softly "I..I wanna try diapers..I wanna try wearing diapers when little...but I'm to scared" he smiles soflty "What you scared about bubba?" He says,I hate thoes names always make me feel so small,I climb in his lap and snuggles into him "I-i'm scared..you'll leave me for diapers...especially if I ended up using them...and I don't wnat to lose control of my bladder..if I start to have accident I'll slowly lose control of my bladder and I've always had bad controll till I was 13" I say hiding my face in his chest,he rubs my back "Well sweetie we can always try them and listen to me I do not care if u ended up having accident I will help u change I won't leave u and look if u lose control of your bladder I will help with that,I'll help u so u don't have bad control when big,okay?" He says I. Of soflty and smiles "okay..I'll think about it" I say.

He rubs my back and plays with my hair "okay princesses and if u decied to I'll buy them for u,okay?" He says I nod and snuggle into him slipping with all nickname and comfor "Otay dada" he smile "how old are u?" I hold up two finger's,he smile "such a big girl today" I giggle and smile!

-a few days later-
I had decied to try it,though I was in a bad mood today so I would not put diaper on at all and was throwing a tantrum,Kiri taps my thigh slapping it soflty "Katsumi bakugou stop now" he says,I stop and looks at him "What is up with u today" He says as he sits me up and outs my pantie on,He bought me panties that I only wear when little so no one else sees.I stare at him and burst out Crying,Torying to say words just babbling he picks me up setting diaper down and rocks me "Shh shh it's gonna be okay princesses, it's all gonna be okay" he says not really knowing why I was so upset but trying his best to calm me down,after a bit he got me calm and I fell asleep,he kisses my head and lays me down on bed and tucks me in.

Kiri pov:
A few hours later Katsumi woke up,seem she was still little but around age 2 now,She looked at me "hey Kats..how u feeling?" I ask,she crawls toe who was at end bed and sits in my lap "wike sh*t.." she says "What wrong?" I ask,She starts to explain "Every wne in cwas ket sawin I wook so much wike a boy..a-an mor"(everyone in class kept saying I look like a boy and more)she said I kissed her head "Don't worry sweetie,You are no man,Your are a beautiful,Pretty,Gergeous, fabulous women,The most beautiful women in this entire world" I say,she smile snuggling into me more "Now wanna try thoes diapers?" I ask she nods,I lay her on bed and removes her pantie and grabs diapers,I put so e powder on her bum sofkty then put diaper on her and tape it up,then sits her up "how's it feel?" I ask she smiles "Cwmfy!" She says I smile "glad" I kiss her head and ruffles her head,She giggle

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope u enjoyed this! I have never wrote trans Baku before so I am sorry if I made any mistake but I hope this is good I tried my best also so sorry it is short

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