✨Serobaku✨ Baking

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Little age:3-5

Date made 2/10/21-3/10/21

Can't belive were in Spooky season already 🎃 what does everyone plan to be for Halloween?

I am a cosplayer so I'll be doing villain female Todorki for Halloween

Sero pov:
It had been a busy week all week for us 1-a students but today we all had a break everyone went to visit family and friend's buy me,bakugou, Kirishima and mina were still at dorms,Me and kori were setting a surprise up for my little one bakugou,He's been really stressed this week and for past couple weeks and hasn't had time to slip and he is refusing to slip this weekend as he has homework so I decided to plan a whole afternoon Baking with him as he loves baking especially little home.

I bought All the ingredients fro cupcakes,cookies and jelly.I was also able to buy different cake toppers I had bought a few of thoes paper topping u put on cupcakes I got them in Frozen design with Olaf and else ones,teddy bear ones and some Small explosion ones and I had got loads of iceing stuff and different food colourings,Sprinkles, Chocolate chips and flavourings.

After 3 hours we cleaned entire Kitchen,Set all stuff on side got out all bowls and we would need and got two aprons laying on side by the sink.I thank Kiri for help and then walked to bakugou dorm and knocked "Hey little one can I come in?" I ask 'Yea and I'm not little Sero" he says soflty I walk in "Sorry baby"I say as I walk in and walks over to him taking his homework away from Jim "Baby u need a break and I have perfect idea" I say pulling h up from his seat and picks him up he looks at me blushing "What is it?" He says "I think we should do soem bakinggg" I say he looks up sparkles in His eyes as he trys not to slip"Baking!?" I chuckle and nod as I bouce him on my hip "yep we got cookies,cupcakes and jelly" I say walking out dorm grabbing his paci and put it in my pocket.

I walk to the dorm kitchen and Walks in and all stuff was on side he smiles and trys get down as he was still trying not slipp "Exited little one" I say not letting him now yet he nods excitedly as he starts slipping I smile and kisses his head "Want paci?" He nods "Words mi amor" "ye" (yes) I smile am drake soaci out my pocket and washes it then slips it in his mouth soflty as I grab a stool and sets him standing on stool "do what should we cook first?" I ask "Cockies!" (Cookies) I stare and covers my mouth trying not laugh "b-baby..baby.. it's not Cockies it's cookies" I say "I said that Cockies!" He says standing with his hands on his hips I s
Hold back my laugher "okay okay let make your Cookies,"I say as I grab the stuff.

A few hours later we had made loads and loads of bits,I put them all in fridge the side was amess as Katsuki had fun throwing Flour at me all time or cracking eggs on my head and half way though it did end into a food war between us both it's gonna be a pain to clean but it was fun and it was good to see my little prince smiling and giggling.

Baku pov:
I had so much fun with dada today! It was so fun right now I have the bag of flour in my hand I ran of from daddy as he was putting trays in sink.I ran into mina dorm and saw her laying in bed I jump on it and chucks half the flour on her and giggles "Goshhu!!" (Gotcha) she sits up looking at me "oh u cheeky little thing" she says tickling me I giggles "stooooooppppp" she soons stops and kisses my cheek "go get Kiri mow'"I nod running out room to Kiri room and chucks flour over him as he was doing homework I giggle he turns around looking at me and chuckles getting up "Flour monsters gonna get u now" I squeak and run out as he starts chasing me the flour going on the floor as he runs "Dadaasa!! The fwoer mowster!" (Dada the flour monster) I shout and run into kitchen and Sero turns an dlooks at me seeing Kiri and burst out laughing "Guess he got u" he says as he picks me up "Don't worry baby dada will protect u from the four monsters" he says I giggle and smiles grabbing egg of side and throws it at kiri "Ah!' He trys dodge egg but fails me and see laugh and smiles.

After a bit we all stopped a si used all eggs and flour up on Kiri,mina and dada! We all had a shower and bath first then we all began to clean hallways and kitchen up aswell as mian and Kiri room well they did I just sat and watched tv


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